burning hex on the atmega8 : fuses ?

hi all

i would like to burn some atmega's. now i've found the hex file in the repository.

i'm work with the stk500. how must i set the fuses ans the lockbytes? didn't found any hint...

thanks a lot

If you're trying to burn the Arduino bootloader on the chips, you can just use the "burn bootloader" command from the Tools menu of Arduino 0004. Make sure you select your stk500 programmer from the Tools | Serial Port menu. The burn bootloader command should set fuses and locks bit appropriately.


can i use the stk500 at the mac without any other installations?

i work here on a separate windows pc with the stk500 and the atmel studio. so if i would like this environemnt, how must i set this bytes? can anyone tell me the hex values please?

Stk500 with the proper USB-Serial adapter works on the mac

just use uisp or avr-dude

if you look inside the arduino folder on your mac you'll see a folder called bootloader
inside that folder you'll find a file called burn.command

open it and you will see all the instructions you need to burn a bootloader and the fuses
