i have an issue where i made a very noobie decision of apply way to much volts to the arduino uno (over 20volts...) and now have an arduino uno that wont even load any codes on it. The green led and the blinking led still work and the reset button still blinks the one led, however i received this error and i think i have burnt something on the arduino uno. I dont feel anything hot on the board when i power it on, so im confused on wether a component on the arduino uno is burned or the micro-controller is burned.
-bootloader works: pin 13 flashes LED whenever I reset.
-Arduino is powered on without hitches: green light
-arduino sketchs dont load..
The error im getting is this when i try to upload the source code:
Binary sketch size: 2,680 bytes (of a 32,256 byte maximum)
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x0c != 0x00
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
Is there anyway to fix this?? can i bootload a new atmel micro-controller to solve issue? I have another arduino i borrowed from a friend and i was wondering if its safe to attach the micro-controller on his arduino uno to mine since there both identical (same model,etc..) to see if its a burnt micro-controller or not, or is the problem more deep then that, as i would end up burning his Atmega as well
any help would be appreciated as im new to this