Button 3 wires G V S

I need some beginner help.

I bought this button Recommendations For You - DealeXtreme

All the examples I see online have a simple button that is connected with just 2 pins. This one has 3.

I connected it up like this.

G => Ground
V => arduino 5v
S => arduino pin set to input.

My input pin is always low.
For the code below I only get a 0.
I would like to connect this up to an interrupt but I can't get any signal from it.

Can someone help me out or point me to a tutorial?


int pin = 26;

void setup()
  pinMode(pin, INPUT);

void loop()
int buttonState =  digitalRead(pin);

I need some beginner help.

I bought this button Recommendations For You - DealeXtreme

All the examples I see online have a simple button that is connected with just 2 pins. This one has 3.

I connected it up like this.

G => Ground
V => arduino 5v

V doesn't appear to be connected to anything on the switch. Disconnect it.

S => arduino pin set to input.

Add a 10k resistor between the pin and +5V.

I am sorry I am a little confused. You said to remove the connect from +5v to the V.

Then you said to put a 10k resister between the pin and +5v.

So I would have
G => arduino ground.
V => nothing
S => I am not sure about. The pin is input so where is the +5v connected to?

Hello....Can you clarify what you get when the button is not pressed and when the button is pressed??

In my current setup I get 0 on the digitalRead pressed and not pressed.

Ignore the V connection. Looking at the pictures it's not connected to anything at all. My guess is they have one PCB for multiple uses. So ignore V.

Just use G and S. It doesn't matter which is which, it's just a switch. Then use it exactly like any other pushbutton.

Simplest way: connect it between input pin and ground, and enable INPUT_PULLUP on the pin

void setup() {
  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(2));

Thanks, I understand now and am getting it working.