Button issues

Hello everybody!
I am attempting to have three servos run in a loop only when a button is pressed (and held).
I am having some difficulty implementing this feature and would like some assistance.
When the code is run the servos simply move as if the button were not there, regardless of if its pressed or not.
I know the button works, I have tested it with the sample button code.

#include <Servo.h> 

Servo servoBase;   
Servo servoLowerarm;
Servo servoUp;
const int buttonPin = 2;
int buttonState = 1;

void setup(){ 
    servoBase.attach(7);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

void loop(){
    buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
    if (buttonState == HIGH) {
   servoBase.write(180);   //0 left
   servoUp.write(180); //180 all up lowest servo
   servoLowerarm.write(180);  //180 all up higherservo
   delay(2000);  //rotates into grabbing position
   delay(1000); // lowers arm into grabbing position
    else  {

I probably made a simple mistake and cant see it, any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Now it appears that when the button is pushed once, it runs through its cycle.

I probably made a simple mistake and cant see it, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Delay() tells the processor to nothing for the specified amount of time. It also blocks any further execution, so the button will not get checked again until all the delays are done and it can can go through the next iteration of loop(). If you want the button to be "on-demand", then you will need to re-implement your cycle to not include delays. Take a look at the Blink without Delay example to see how you can replace delay() with code that allows the processor to do other things in between your delays.

    else  {

Tools + Auto format would make this code readable.

When the code is run the servos simply move as if the button were not there, regardless of if its pressed or not.

If this isn't the problem, what IS the problem?

Arduino Playground - MomentaryButton is a good library to monitor short button clicks, and long presses.