Button short/long press


I have written a mini arduino program that does the following

(1) Reads a switch button and increments/decrements a value
(2) display the value on a 4 digit 7 segment controlled by MAX7219

void loop ()
  // see if switch is open or closed
  byte switchState = digitalRead (switchPin); // pin 1
   byte switchState1 = digitalRead (switchPin1); // pin 2

  if(switchState != oldSwitchState) // code below only works when pin is high
    // debounce
    if (  millis()  - switchPressTime >= debounceTime) // debounce time 10 ms
       switchPressTime = millis();  
       oldSwitchState =  switchState;   
       if (switchState == HIGH )          
          Serial.println ("Switch opened.");    
          }  // end if switchState is HIGH
       }  // end if debounce time up
  if (switchState1 != oldSwitchState1)
    // debounce
    if (millis () - switchPressTime1 >= debounceTime)
       switchPressTime1 = millis ();  
       oldSwitchState1 =  switchState1;   
       if (switchState1 == LOW)
          Serial.println ("Switch1 closed.");
          }  // end if switchState is LOW
          Serial.println ("Switch1 opened.");
          if (a<0)
          }  // end if switchState is HIGH
       }  // end if debounce time up
    }  // end of state change
  // other code here ...
  }  // end of loop

  // Print decimal numbers
  void printNumber(int v) {
    int ones;
    int tens;
    int hundreds;

    //Now print the number digit by digit

Credit goes to Nick Gammon for the debounced switch code.
So it all works well except i need a long press where when the button is held down the value on the 7 segment needs to count up fast. Can anyone help me on this. I tried using while loop and using a counter and checking the counter for long/short presses, but it doesn't seem to work

Can this code be improved and i was also wondering how libraries are implemented on standalone arduino. The led control library for max7219 is 13 kb itself!.

Thank you.

The led control library for max7219 is 13 kb itself!.

Mine isn't.

The demo program compiles into 3190 bytes.

I have an example sketch which detects double-clicks: Whats' currently the best debounce library to use - #21 by nickgammon - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

So it all works well except i need a long press where when the button is held down the value on the 7 segment needs to count up fast.

Like auto repeat on a PC keyboard?

There is nice code for different button presses here.
