Buttons and functions and a very confused me!

Hi, I hope someone can help with what is probably a very simple problem......
I have 2 buttons on pins 8,9 with internal pull ups
I have tried to keep things neat by putting my code into different functions.
What I am trying to do is

press button 1 do function A for 5 seconds then return
press button 2 do function B which is a loop reading analog value until you press button 2 again then return

sounds simple but I have tried everything and it either doesnt call the function or repeatedly calls and returns PLEASE help
Latest code using BUTTON library below....(I've cut out the boring bits)
// library code
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Button.h>
// button variables
Button button1 = Button(8,PULLUP); // pin assignment
Button button2 = Button(9,PULLUP); // for control buttons
const int i = 1;
void setup() {
// setv up io pins and thermistor variables
void loop(){
// set_vent();
temp_read(); //read temperature
Min_Max(); // store the min max bit
check_high(); //check if temperatur is above limits
/* read buttons /
press button 1 to display minmax values /
press button 2 to set vent open temperature /
if nothing pressed just display the temperature */
lcd_display(); //display temperature

/* functuions to do stuff /
function to read temperatures /
function to store min max values /
function to display min max screen /
function to set vent opening using variable resistor /
int lcd_set_Vent(){
while(i==1){ // infinite loop
lcd.print("Set Maximum Temp");
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //move down 1
lcd.print(" Max Temp =");
high_temp = map(analogRead(3),0,1023,0,60);// read pot adjust value of high
read button /
return 1;
other functions to do bits */

press button 2 do function B which is a loop reading analog value until you press button 2 again then return

I suggest you simplify the code and get the function for one of the buttons working, then add the other.

Perhaps start with button 2. Make sure buttons referenced in the code are correct (It looks like your code checks button 1 instead of button 2 in the set vent routine.

You probably need to add some code in that routine to check that the button is released before checking if it is pressed again. Otherwise it returns immediately because the button is probably still pressed after the 20ms or so that you re-read the button

Thanks for the reply, I got there in the end with a delay before the function, everything happens so damn fast :slight_smile: