Buying 5m LED strip with power/controller and replacing controller with arduino

Would it be possible to purchase a 5m RGB LED strip such as this one (which is powered), and replace the controller with the Arduino ?

Yes. Keep in mind that those are not individually controlled LEDs. The full string will show one color.

I am looking for non-addressable LEDs since I want them all to shine the same color simultaneously.

Are there any tutorials on how to replace the controller with the Arduino? Would the Arduino need to be powered seperately?

That LED strip is a simple analog strip, there are plenty of instructions on how to drive them. They have one GND wire and three others, one for Red, Green, and Blue respectively. Read the Adafruit's tutorial on how to drive them, Overview | RGB LED Strips | Adafruit Learning System (it's a few pages in, under Usage.)

Thanks so much for your replies. I think I understand what I need to do, but I'd like to double check.

Since a power supply and controller is included with the LED strip above, I will cut the connector off shown here to expose the 1.) Power wire and 2.) All three connectors for each channel that are being controlled by the white keypad. Instead of using the 3 wires from the white keypad, I will replace them with the wires from the Arduino as shown here The power wire that is already connected to the LED strip stays.

If the above is correct, I believe the Arduino still needs power. Is that true? If so, which power supply will work?

Thanks again for all the help.

If you connect the 12V wire to the 9V/Vin pin of your Arduino as in the picture you linked to you don't need any other power source for your Arduino.

Hold on - new to Arduino here but in your diagram you are powering the whole LED strip through your Arduino - you will fry it if you do this.

Not sure how the LED strips work but i imagine you would need some form of seperate 12v power to it and you could feed that in parallel to the Arduino - however if you are controlling the RGB sside i still think you would need some form of mosfet
