Buzzer to generate frequencies

I have the following buzzer, and i would like to know if i can use the tone(pin, frequency) command of the arduino for it to generate frequencies. Searching in the internet i only found topics about the piezzo buzzer and 8 ohms speakers... could someone help me?

Magnetic buzzers are very noisy ( electrically speaking ).
tone() would not work as you think it would with magnetic buzzers.

Also at 5V it draws 30ma.

... and if you go out and buy a piezo sounder, they come in two varieites, and which you are buying is not always clear.

Some of them make ONE tone, and that will be made as soon as, and as long as, the input is made high.

Others need a continuous on/off/on/off to make them work. THEY are capable of multiple tones, though. But sometimes over a pretty narrow frequency range.

I'd suggest using a cheap ($15?) set of POWERED external speakers for a PC... the sort of thing you plug into the PCs "speaker" socket to hear YouTube soundtracks more clearly, or louder.

You CAN use a "raw" "ordinary" speaker. I don't think it will work very well, though.

Either way, you probably want a resistor or maybe even a capacitor or two in the circuit between Arduino and speakers... I hope someone else will jump in with advice on that point.