I took a look through the PDF version of the user guide and on page 4 in the section headed 'Display Size' it makes mention of the magic escape sequence that you have to use to change the display size. What I can't find is a list of the rest of the magic numbers that the device responds to.
This device uses a dedicated microprocessor to convert the magic numbers sent over the serial I2C link into the standard 8-bit parallel commands that the LCD controller uses. You are at the mercy of whoever wrote the software for that microprocessor. You have to hope he implemented the Hitachi protocol correctly, that he implemented all of the possible Hitachi control codes, and that he documented the corresponding magic numbers that correspond to those control codes.
The cursor can be turned on and off using the Hitachi commands and these are implemented in the LiquidCrystal library but they may or may not be implemented for this device. It looks like you need to correspond with your supplier.
I think I gave you the wrong information from the correct source. Take a look at the top of page 10 on the data sheet in the previous link. There is a different technique when you are using I2C, it is shown in the right hand column.