I have just purchased a 20x4 LCD with a BV4618 attached and am having a little trouble getting it to work well with Arduino.
The fact that I'm a complete Arduino newbie with no prior programming experience doesn't help..! So you'll have to bear with me.
I tried with serial and can get it talking to the Arduino quite happily, displaying text etc. But that seemed to interfere with the rest of the serial/USB operation of the Arduino and it wouldn't let me display floats, so I tried to get I2C working to no avail. It just sat at "Press CR".
Can anyone offer any advice?
If there's a way of getting serial to display what I need to (for example I want to display temperatures from a temperature sensor on the display) that would be fantastic!
If there's a way of getting serial to display what I need to (for example I want to display temperatures from a temperature sensor on the display) that would be fantastic!
You probably need to implement a second serial port using one of the software serial port libraries. They don't seem to use version numbers around here. There was a 'SoftwareSerial library' followed by 'NewSoftSerial'. I guess you want to look for 'NewestSoftSerial' , 'LatestSoftSerial', 'UltimateSoftSerial' or something like that.
You haven't said how your are formatting the text.
If you are using sprintf() then floats will not work because the floating point version of xxxprintf()
routines are in a different AVR libc library and the Arduino IDE only lets you link with the default library.
From what I remember the byvac modules make the display work like a mini terminal
and uses ansi escape sequences to control the display.
While this is not the norm for a serial lcd display it is normal for a terminal.
But also keep in mind that there is no "standard" for serial commands for a LCD backpack
so everyone does them differently.
To test out your floating point text formatting, try using the serial port and the
built in arduino monitor. That way you can avoid any other potential issues
while debugging your output formatting routines.
Thanks, but I'm not quite sure what you're saying.. Are you saying it is normal for there to be issues with 1.0 and older libraries? As that thread is completely irrelevant otherwise.
Small rant: I was not a fan of how the Arduino team handled 1.0, mainly because they didn't make it easily available to people to get adequate testing. They also changed many things that breaks 100% of all the existing libraries out there. While the changes to work with 1.0 are very minimal many of the changes are due to previous short sightedness and last minute changes tossed in.
It looks like these incompatibilities are not unusual.
OK, thanks I presume that seeing as I have sod all experience with Arduino programming then I have to wait and see if someone updates the Byvac library for 1.0? Am I 'losing out' on anything by using 020?
Hi, when you connected the LCD / BV board up in I2C mode did you remember the pull-up resistors? I didn't and all I got was press CR as well!
Also, I'm able to compile with 023