I need some help about c# and arduino.
Is someone make some aplication for download code from c# to arduino .
For example in c# I can change some parametars for arduino exc. font on display , number of something
Have somone some idea for that how can do that or have any link ?
Is someone make some aplication for download code from c# to arduino .
If you mean that you want to be able to use a C# program to call the command-line Arduino IDE to compile and upload a program then this Python uploader program may provide a blueprint.
If you just want to send serial data from a C# program to an Arduino program have a look at Serial Input Basics
If neither is what you want to do then please explain more clearly.
After all, C# is Microsoft's name for Java.
Say what???? How on earth do you come up with this kind of garbage?? There is NO relation between c# and Java, other than they are derived from a c heritage. But that's as far as it goes. They are otherwise VERY different languages. You might as well claim the French language is "France's name for Spanish"!
If you mean that you want to be able to use a C# program to call the command-line Arduino IDE to compile and upload a program then this Python uploader program may provide a blueprint.
If you just want to send serial data from a C# program to an Arduino program have a look at Serial Input Basics
If neither is what you want to do then please explain more clearly.
I explane you what i need.
on my aplication i need to change font on my tft,
evry time i must write diferente code for this.
Now i have idea when i have aplication for that i select font which i will use and
that do change my orginal code.
and i download that on my mcu
I don't have any experience with TFT displays so I have no idea how the data for a font is stored or if it is possible to store the data for 2 or 3 different fonts and select different ones while a program is running.
And when you say "change font" do you mean that you want to make all the text appear differently or only a few characters?
One thought is to store the font data on an SD Card and have a function within the Arduino program that can accept data from a PC program for a new font and save it as a new file on the SD Card.