c++ openGLCD library

hi, im quite new to c++ when i try to run my code it gives me
the error: expected primary-expression before ';' token
in line 24.

can someone tell me what i did wrong?


void glcd_Device::GotoXY(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
uint8_t chip, cmd;

if((x == this->Coord.x) && (y == this->Coord.y))

if( (x > DISPLAY_WIDTH-1) || (y > DISPLAY_HEIGHT-1) ) // exit if coordinates are not legal

this->Coord.x = x; // save new coordinates
this->Coord.y = y;

chip = glcdDev_XYval2Chip(x, y);

this->Coord.chip[chip].page = glcdDev_Yval2ChipPage(y);
cmd = (LCD_SET_XYADD | glcdDev_XYval2XYaddr(x,y));
this->WriteCommand(cmd, chip);
if(y/8 != this->Coord.chip[chip].page)
this->Coord.chip[chip].page = y/8;
cmd = LCD_SET_PAGE | this->Coord.chip[chip].page;
this->WriteCommand(cmd, chip);


  • NOTE: For now, the "if" below is intentionally commented out.
  • In order for this to work, the code must properly track
  • the x coordinate of the chips and not allow it go beyond proper
  • boundaries. It isnn't complicated to do, it just isn't done that
  • way right now. We currently allow the coordinates to be larger than
  • the actual geometry and just ignore them. This allows things like
  • graphic functions to plot things larger than the display but display
  • those portions that land within the diplays geometry.

x = glcdDev_Xval2ChipCol(x);

if(x != this->Coord.chip[chip].col)

this->Coord.chip[chip].col = x;

cmd = LCD_SET_ADDLO | glcdDev_Col2addrlo(x);
this->WriteCommand(cmd, chip);

cmd = LCD_SET_ADDHI | glcdDev_Col2addrhi(x);
this->WriteCommand(cmd, chip);
cmd = LCD_SET_ADD | x;
this->WriteCommand(cmd, chip);
#endif // LCD_SET_XYADD

thanks in advance.

the error: expected primary-expression before ';' token
in line 24.

Since this is not the complete code, how are we supposed to know which line is 24 ? the error message was probably a bit more specific than that anyway.

can someone tell me what i did wrong?

You posted only part of your code and didn't post it within </> code-tags