Bonjour, j'ai fais un programme très complexe, et mon problème est que la valeur obtenu venant de la photoresistance n'est pas la bonne pourriez vous m'aider?
Mon programme de base
#include <ColorLCDShield.h>//
#include "DHT.h"
int DHTPIN = A1;//DHT11 connecté à la broche A0
float h;
float t;
#define DHTTYPE DHT11//définie le type de capteur de température et d'humidité
#define C_COLOR RED
#define H_COLOR BLUE
#define HOURS 8
#define MINUTES 37
#define SECONDS 00
#define AMPM 0 // enter 0 for AM, 1 for PM
int hours, minutes, seconds, ampm;
#define CLOCK_RADIUS 45 // radius of clock face
#define CLOCK_CENTER 50 // If you adjust the radius, you'll probably want to adjust this
#define H_LENGTH 25 // length of hour hand
#define M_LENGTH 35 // length of minute hand
#define S_LENGTH 43 // length of second hand
LCDShield lcd;
int LDR = A2;
int luminosite;
char affichageluminosite [16];
char affichagetemperature[16];
char affichagehumidite[16];
char mystring[] = "Luminosite:";
char Text1[] = "temperature:";
char Text2[] = "humidite:";
char Unit[] = "Lux";
char Unit1[] = "*C";
char Unit2[] = "%";
void setup()
lcd.contrast(-70);//définie le contraste de l'écran lcd
pinMode(LDR, INPUT);//définie la broche de la LDR en entrée
hours = HOURS;
minutes = MINUTES;
seconds = SECONDS;
ampm = AMPM;
drawClock(); // Draw the clock face, this includes 12, 3, 6, 9
displayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds); // Draw the clock hands
displayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm); //
void loop()
static unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (seconds >= 60)
seconds = 0; // If seconds is 60, set it back to 0
minutes++; // and increase minutes by 1
if (minutes >= 60)
minutes = 0; // If minutes is 60, set it back to 0
hours++; // and increase hours by 1
if (hours == 12)
ampm ^= 1; // If it's 12 o'clock, flip ampm
if (hours >= 13)
hours = 1; // If hours is 13, set it to 1. 12-hr clock.
h = dht.readHumidity();//lire les données(humidité) du capteur reçue
t = dht.readTemperature();//lire les données(température) du capteur reçue
luminosite = analogRead(LDR);//lire les données de la LDR reçue
Serial.print("Analog reading = ");
Serial.print(luminosite);//afficher les informations de la LDR
Serial.println("temp: ");//afficher le texte
Serial.println(t);//afficher les informations du capteur de température
Serial.println("hum: ");//afficher le texte
Serial.println(h);//afficher les informations du capteur d'humidité
displayAnalogTime(hours, minutes, seconds);
displayDigitalTime(hours, minutes, seconds, ampm);
void displayDigitalTime(int h, int m, int s, int ap)
char timeChar[16];
if (!ap)
sprintf(timeChar, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d AM", h, m, s);
sprintf(timeChar, "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d PM", h, m, s);
/* Print the time on the clock */
lcd.setStr(timeChar, CLOCK_CENTER + CLOCK_RADIUS + 4, 22,
drawClock() simply draws the outer circle of the clock, and '12',
'3', '6', and '9'. Room for growth here, if you want to customize
your clock. Maybe add dashe marks, or even all 12 digits.
void drawClock()
/* Draw the circle */
/* Print 12, 3, 6, 9, a lot of arbitrary values are used here
for the coordinates. Just used trial and error to get them
into a nice position. */
lcd.setStr("12", CLOCK_CENTER - CLOCK_RADIUS, 66-9, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr("3", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 + CLOCK_RADIUS - 12, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr("6", CLOCK_CENTER + CLOCK_RADIUS - 18, 66-4, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr("9", CLOCK_CENTER - 9, 66 - CLOCK_RADIUS + 4, BLACK, WHITE);
void displayAnalogTime(int h, int m, int s)
double midHours; // this will be used to slightly adjust the hour hand
static int hx, hy, mx, my, sx, sy;
/* Adjust time to shift display 90 degrees ccw
this will turn the clock the same direction as text */
h -= 3;
m -= 15;
s -= 15;
if (h <= 0)
h += 12;
if (m < 0)
m += 60;
if (s < 0)
s += 60;
/* Delete old lines: */
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, WHITE); // delete second hand
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, WHITE); // delete minute hand
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, WHITE); // delete hour hand
/* Calculate and draw new lines: */
s = map(s, 0, 60, 0, 360); // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
sx = S_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) s)/180); // woo trig!
sy = S_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) s)/180); // woo trig!
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+sx, 66+sy, BLACK); // print second hand
m = map(m, 0, 60, 0, 360); // map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
mx = M_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) m)/180); // woo trig!
my = M_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) m)/180); // woo trig!
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+mx, 66+my, BLACK);// print minute hand
midHours = minutes/12; // midHours is used to set the hours hand to middling levels between whole hours
h *= 5; // Get hours and midhours to the same scale
h += midHours; // add hours and midhours
h = map(h, 0, 60, 0, 360);// map the 0-60, to "360 degrees"
hx = H_LENGTH * sin(3.14 * ((double) h)/180);// woo trig!
hy = H_LENGTH * cos(3.14 * ((double) h)/180);// woo trig!
lcd.setLine(CLOCK_CENTER, 66, CLOCK_CENTER+hx, 66+hy, BLUE);// print hour hand
void afficheText()
sprintf (affichageluminosite, "%d", ((int)luminosite));
sprintf (affichagetemperature, "%d", ((int)t));
sprintf (affichagehumidite, "%d", ((int)h));
lcd.setStr(mystring, 0, 10, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(affichageluminosite, 20, 50, BLACK,WHITE);
lcd.setStr(Unit, 20, 75, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(Text1, 40, 10, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(affichagetemperature, 60, 50, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(Unit1, 60, 70, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(Text2, 80, 10, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(affichagehumidite, 100, 50, BLACK, WHITE);
lcd.setStr(Unit2, 100, 70, BLACK, WHITE);