Call for Submissions from advanced emerging artists, graduate students, scientis

XD :grin: XD :grin: XD

We are looking for people who create kinetic art, robots (or something between) and love to share their process.

Submissions will be added to a section of an exhibition of kinetic artworks titled “The Research Lab”, which will be entirely devoted artworks and instructional, videos, drawings, etc. which Embrace the spirit of Open Source/ DIY culture and present processes related to the creation of kinetic art or robotics. The Research Lab will serve as an educational/instructional component, in which projects and processes can be shared. Submissions can include sculpture, instructional websites (think, drawings, video, manuals, anything that fits within the theme of robotics, kinetic artwork or invention.

Additionally, we are looking for artists interested in conducting workshops related to circuit bending, electric motors, microcontrollers or any type of DIY project that can be demonstrated to beginners

The exhibition will be held at Columbia College Chicago Glass Curtain Gallery beginning in September of 2012. A program of lectures, workshops, and a catalogue will accompany the exhibition.

To be considered please email a direct link to the website documenting your
work, or attach small images with descriptions to: We can also accept snail mail submissions:

Call for Research Lab Submissions
Glass Curtain Gallery, First Floor
1104 S. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60605

Submissions will not be considered after
May 15, 2012.