call of overloaded 'TMC5160Stepper(int, double, int, int, int)' is ambiguous

HI, I am trying to troubleshoot and learn how to use these stepper drivers, and the only source of code I found will not compile on the current version of arduino IDE. I am getting the error:
call of overloaded 'TMC5160Stepper(int, double, int, int, int)' is ambiguous.

The code is located here: SilentStepStick/TMC5160.ino at master · watterott/SilentStepStick · GitHub

I don't know how to resolve this problem. If I could get this to compile, perhaps I could learn how to control these things.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out.

It means you are trying to call TMC5160() with 5 parameters of type int, double, int, int int and int but the compiler does not know how to do that so it is looking for the closest match which is ambiguous. Maybe the 2nd parameter is supposed to be in int? It probably tells you more (or will if you enable verbose output) about what candidates the compiler is considering and why it can't decide.

I have no intention of coping text from your post and pasting it into a new browser window so don't know for sure.