Camera with raw output searched

Hello everyone,

My current project is designing a Lidar system for scanning rooms. For visualisation I would like to also have a color value (R,G,B) for each point I scan (scanning points works fine, everything runs on an arduino pro mini)
For that I want to use a camera and take a mean value of the center pixels (number depends on distance, but take e.g. as the center 40x40 pixels).
I could just take jpeg pictures and do the processing of it on PC, but it seems more elegant to me to let the arduino do this.
For that I need a camera that:

  • outputs raw rgb data
  • low res is sufficient
  • autofocusing is a plus point, but can live without
  • not too slow (10 fps min)

Have someone a tip for me?
I searched a lot but I'm a bit clueless...Arducam modules say they can output in RGB formats but do I need a shield for it and is somewhere sample code for this available?
And other products I found were very old and most links broken...


The standard Arduinos are totally unsuitable for image processing. Consider a Raspberry Pi, for which there is also an inexpensive but good quality camera.