Hi !
I'm on a new project which consists in mesuring and loging cams diameters with a machine I developed.
I have :
- Brushless motor with gearhead (1:100 ratio) and a controller (speed controled with potentiometer)
- Absolute digimatic indicator from Mitutoyo
- Incremental encoder (1000p/rev)
- Arduino Mega 2650 Rev 3
Here's my Arduino Code :
int req = 13; //mic REQ line goes to pin 5 through q1 (arduino high pulls request line low)
int dat = 12; //mic Data line goes to pin 2
int clk = 11; //mic Clock line goes to pin 3
int INTVR = 52; // Internal potentiometer
int ALARM_RESET = 50;
int RUN = 48;
int START = 46;
volatile int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0;
volatile boolean go = false;
float mm;
int cmdByte;
byte mydata[14];
void setup()
pinMode(RUN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RUN, HIGH);
pinMode(req, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clk, INPUT);
pinMode(dat, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, pulse, RISING);
digitalWrite(clk, HIGH); // enable internal pull ups
digitalWrite(dat, HIGH); // enable internal pull ups
digitalWrite(req, LOW); // set request at high
void loop()
if ( go )
go = false;
long num; // data treatment
char buf[9];
for(int lp=0;lp<6;lp++)
mm = (float)num/100;
if (mydata[4] < 1)
digitalWrite(req,LOW); // stops set request
void pulse()
digitalWrite(req, HIGH); // generate set request
go = true;
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
while(digitalRead(clk) == LOW) { } // hold until clock is high
while(digitalRead(clk) == HIGH) { } // hold until clock is low
bitWrite(k, j, (digitalRead(dat))); // read data bits, and reverse order
mydata[i] = k; // data received into this array
void serialEvent()
cmdByte = Serial.read(); // receive command from USB interface
if (cmdByte > 48){
digitalWrite(RUN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RUN, HIGH);
I have troubles due to the fact that I only get values when I stop my motor. It seems that the interrupts are much closer than I thought and I don't know how to handle it. How could I decrease the loop time (perhaps by sending data directly to my PC instead of making the Arduino work on that) ?
The motor is at its minimum speed ... (about 1 rpm with gearhead)