can 2560 arduino power the servo? Newbie...

can i connect a servo to the 5v on the arduino? (2560)

I dont own an oscilloscope, so i dont know if its dragging the 5v down??

Thanks for any leads!

No, provide the power for the servo from a separate source capable of 1A per servo.
Don't forget to connect the grounds.

Do you own a DMM?

What sort of servo? Some of the bigger ones will kill the regulator in the Arduino more or less instantly.

So you should use a separate power supply to the servos, e.g. 4 x rechargeable AAs. Connecting to the 5V pin is a bad idea but it can sort of work if you have one very small very lightly loaded servo.


A volt meter will tell if you are dragging it down. Also if you put your finger on the regulator and it smokes you have an overloaded regulator and a burnt finger. This response is to help you get started in solving your problem, not solve it for you.
Good Luck & Have Fun!

A volt meter will tell if you are dragging it down.

Not always, drop outs can be milliseconds in duration and not affect a slow responding multimeter
(most multimeters use dual-slope integrating ADCs which have a bandwidth of about 1Hz and thus
don't see rapid change at all)