iam using freeduino lite v2.0 the problem is when i upload a sketch to board program is uploading successfully but a error message appearing on the compiler as given :
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x40 != 0x00
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
I am using FTDI USB Breakout board for programming,where as other boards of freduino lite v2.0 are working correctly but the only said board is uploading sketch correctly but displaying error message on compilor
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x40 != 0x00
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
and the sketch is running correctly but unable to understand the reason might be hardware or something check the attachment
You would get that error during the verification stage. When Avrdude goes back to see if what got stored on the AVR matches what it tried to program. This is indicating that right at the first byte of the verification, it is finding a problem. So, either the MCU board or the USB to serial board are not sending data back properly.
Have you written a sketch to send serial data or text back to the IDE terminal? You could write a sketch to send "Hello World" back to the IDE terminal using Serial.println("Hello World") once every second, then trace the signal from pin 3 on the MCU using an oscilloscope.
so sorry billo,uploadded your program its working serial monitor displaying hello world with delay 1000ms where as pin 3 showing zero volt on multimeter
Well, since can up-load and run sketches and you can receive text back, that indicates that everything is okay with the communications and the MCU is working.
One more thing you can try is to re-burn the boot-loader. It may have gotten corrupt somehow.
Other than that, everything seems to be working fine except you are getting a verification error. If you cannot put a new boot-loader on it, or that does not work, I'd just keep using it as is and ignore the error.
If all else fails, you can try to swap out the Atmega chip.
thank you very much,can you guide to burn bootloader if possible,what is MCU,as new to arduino whant to learn basics thanks alot for your help and patience to explain to newbee
hey..... m using arduino uno.... m unable load ma pgm to dat using the cable.... weneva i connect board using a cable....i cn c ma serial port n able to select it.... bt,wen i click upload (ny pgm)... it shows " ur serial port is in use....try quitting any programs that may b using it " pls help
brother check in device manager of your system in ports the connected port is available or not,second thing check for selection of correct board on compiler as myself is newbee keep posting and be patience arduino forum learned members may give solution.
hey..... m using arduino uno.... m unable load ma pgm to dat using the cable.... weneva i connect board using a cable....i cn c ma serial port n able to select it.... bt,wen i click upload (ny pgm)... it shows " ur serial port is in use....try quitting any programs that may b using it " pls help
Looks like your keyboard needs a damn good vacuuming