Can anyone help me what materials I need to begin with T & H sensor?


I am novice in doing a practical thing like controlling device and so one. I am very much excited in doing some practical thing and thought begin with the Temperature and Humidity sensor.

I have seen a youtube tutorial at the following link but am lost to understand how the DHT22 dll is called to

In addition, the tutorial doesn't explain what pieces of materials or devices are required to complete the experiment.

Can anyone advice me what materials I have to purchase so that I will be able to read the sensor output in some text format (if possible csv) ?

For the sensor, I see DHT22
For the board where the DHT22 can be plugged in, what model of board I should purchase?
A resistor? If so, what model?
A cable ?

Then how can I connect the device to my PC USB port?

My PC (Windows 7 installed) has only USB port as I do not see those big ports as in the old desktop computer processors

I am fired up to learn about it and your help would be highly appreciated


Most people start with an Uno and the DHT22 is trivial to get working via USB. There are several libraries available, perhaps the easiest one to use is the one from Adafruit who sells Uno's, prototype shields, (Great ones) DHT22 sensors AND has a free and great tutorial on making the device work.
Your challenge will be to write the windows application to use the returned data. Getting it to the computer is easy. With some dedication it could be done in an afternoon..


I thank you for your advice. I will go and have a look at the Adafruit resources.
Do you further advise me whether I go through the resources at Adafruit before trying the Arduino Kit?
Should I install Ardunio IDE to work on Adafruit resources or they are just separate IDEs?

Please bear with me as I am entirely novice but with strong motivation to do something real.

I need the most basic example to have the feel and get a grip on it.

Thank you for your help