Hello to everybody,
i need to read some informations from an external circuit via CAN bus (125Kbps, 8bit, extended mode).
To begin i have used an MCP2515 board and Arduino UNO, but was my intention to use a NANO board.
i started to receive easily the can packets, but i could see that the last packet is printed in a wrong sequence.
the same program in an ESP8266 works good, could be a problem of slowness?
Thanks for your help
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>
long unsigned int rxId;
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char rxBuf[8];
MCP_CAN CAN0(10); // Set CS to pin 10
#define CAN_INT 2
void setup() {
if (CAN0.begin(MCP_STDEXT, CAN_125KBPS, MCP_8MHZ) == CAN_OK) Serial.print("MCP2515 Init Okay!!\r\n");
else Serial.print("MCP2515 Init Failed!!\r\n");
pinMode(CAN_INT, INPUT); // Setting pin 2 for /INT input
CAN0.init_Mask(0, 1, 0xFFFFF000); // Init first mask...
CAN0.init_Filt(0, 1, 0x1FDFC000); // Init first filter...
CAN0.init_Mask(1, 1, 0xFFFFF000);
Serial.println("MCP2515 Library Mask & Filter Example...");
CAN0.setMode(MCP_NORMAL); // Change to normal mode to allow messages to be transmitted
void loop() {
if (!digitalRead(CAN_INT) && CAN0.checkReceive()==CAN_MSGAVAIL) // If pin 2 is low, read receive buffer
CAN0.readMsgBuf(&rxId, &len, rxBuf); // Read data: len = data length, buf = data byte(s)
Serial.print("ID: ");
Serial.print(rxId, HEX);
Serial.print(" Data: ");
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) // Print each byte of the data
if (rxBuf[i] < 0x10) // If data byte is less than 0x10, add a leading zero
Serial.print(rxBuf[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
// delay(10);
that is the wrong result:
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC101 Data: 04 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC102 Data: 00 00 00 00 0A 00 11 01
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC103 Data: 81 05 05 04 FF 04 1F 02
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC104 Data: 00 00 19 00 00 00 00 08
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC106 Data: 06 50 6E 8B E7 3C 18 00
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC17F Data: D5 FB 8A 3B <--- should be the last row
13:17:20.566 -> ID: 9FDFC105 Data: 40 01 00 68 00 FF 00 08 <-- should be before 6th row
This is the right sequence read with ESP8266
ID: 9FDFC001 Data: 04 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE
ID: 9FDFC002 Data: 00 00 00 00 0A 00 11 01
ID: 9FDFC003 Data: 81 05 05 04 FF 04 1F 02
ID: 9FDFC004 Data: 00 00 19 00 00 00 00 08
ID: 9FDFC005 Data: 40 01 00 68 00 FF 00 08
ID: 9FDFC006 Data: 06 AA 6E 8B E7 3C 18 00
ID: 9FDFC07F Data: 42 9E 84 FB