hi...can someone help me please ...i have a probleme with my can bus shield MCP2515!!!
the car that i tested with my can bus shield MCP2515 has "KWP SLOW" obd-II protocole...and i didn't know how to put it in my code like this:
"" if(!mcp2515.initCAN(CAN_BAUD_500K, CS_PIN))
Serial.println("Failed initCAN"); ""
can someone tell me what to put in the place of : CAN_BAUD_500K
and thanks 
the car that i tested with my can bus shield MCP2515 has "KWP SLOW" obd-II protocole...
"KWP SLOW" is NOT a CAN protocol
can't used the shield for that but instead you could you the Serial RX pin (mind the voltage levels!) if you are only reading the data! I believe the baud rate you need to set is 10.4k
thx for the answer..but how to put 10.4 in the code??
thx for the answer..but how to put 10.4 in the code??
how would you print data to serial monitor?
there are plenty of examples out there to do that! 
give me some if you can....its 2 days i'm searching i didn't find any solution...when i used mcp2515.initCAN(CAN_BAUD_500K, CS_PIN) i get some values like rpm and intk air temp but i dont get most of values....can you give me an example of kwp slow protocole code for the can bus shield MCP2515...i want just to get values
give me some if you can....its 2 days i'm searching i didn't find any solution...when i used mcp2515.initCAN(CAN_BAUD_500K, CS_PIN) i get some values like rpm and intk air temp but i dont get most of values....can you give me an example of kwp slow protocole code for the can bus shield MCP2515...i want just to get values
did you even understand my first reply? KWP SLOW IS NOT BASED ON CAN PROTOCOL to my knowledge!
KWP SLOW is a serial protocol.
you can try this code (googled it btw!) but again be mindful of the voltage signal level form your car or you'll damage your arduino... you've been warned
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(12, 13); // RX, TX
void setup()
mySerial.begin(10400); //10.4 kbaud
void loop()
if (mySerial.available()){
now i understand ...thank you very much