Can control Oscillating Fan's wind speed and rotation from Arduino?


I would like to ask if I can control oscillating fan's wind speed and rotation control.
Even it is a digital fan controlled by buttons, gradually increase or decrease fan speed by PWM, just as controlling CPU fan?
also, I want to turn on/off rotation of the fan from arduino. (is there a way to see the angle of rotating fan in arduino too?)
The goal is connecting multiple oscillating fan into arduino, then control each fan's fan speed individually by max/msp.

I will wait your comments.
thank you.

I see no principal problem in your project. If you use a computer fan you even get the tacho signal, so speed measure is quite simple and controlling the speed is also just a transistor away.

I don't understand what you mean with the angle of a rotating fan.

If you can control the speed of the fan you can switch it on and off too, by definition.

Thank you for the reply!

So the schematic is similar with controlling cpu fan speed via PWM control? even with a digital fan?
The digital fan have assigned wind speeds. Can I interpolate the fan speed via PWM control?
The angle I mentioned is the oscillation of the fan, because I want to synchronize each fan's oscillating movement.
Do you know which part of fan's circuit has to be connected to arduino for turning on/off the oscillation?

What's a digital fan? The fans I know are simply motors with some kind of propeller put on top. Some of the give a tacho signal allowing speed checks. Controlling the speed of a motor can be done using PWM.

I hope your fans show no oscillation as that would make too much noise.

My fans are rotating and not oscillating. Maybe your digital fans are different. Can you provide a link to such a fan?

I think the OP is probably referring to a desk fan kind of thing. One that swings back and forth with buttons for speed settings.

It's probably mains powered, and would be deadly for someone who doesn't know how to work with interfacing mains to an Arduino to play with.

That's my guess too. I also suspect that the oscillation is mechanically controlled, so it may be tricky to change it with electronics alone.

I also suspect that the oscillation is mechanically controlled

They usually are, yes. Building your own using a BLDC fan, and a servo, would be more fun than trying to get one of those things working via SSRs and such.

Thank you for clarifying oscillating and rotating fan. There's no need to classify this in Commercial fan. And I believe cheap fans are all oscillating.
So, controlling oscillation is tricky. Can I use DMX dimmer/relay for controlling each fan's speed? It looks like using arduino with adapters is unnecessary. I am planning to connect 4 fans.