Can i adjust the multiplexer value??

i use arduino wemos d1. It has a 1 analog pin. so i use multiplexer to connect two sensor.

But i have a problem. serial monitor show simple value.

my code is

#define EN 13
#define S0 0
#define S1 2
#define S2 15
#define S3 12
#define SIG A0

void setup() {
pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(S0, LOW);
digitalWrite(S1, LOW);
digitalWrite(S2, LOW);
digitalWrite(S3, LOW);

pinMode(EN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(EN, LOW);
// put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i ++){

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


int readMux (int channel) {
int controlPin[] = {S0, S1, S2, S3};
int muxChannel[2][4]={

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i ++){
digitalWrite(controlPin_, muxChannel[channel]);}_
* int val = analogRead(SIG);*
* return val;*
* }*
i use 1 sound sensor, 1 o2 sensor.
o2 sensor is used by this code
> const float VRefer = 3.3;
> const float pinAdc = A5;
> void setup() {
> Serial.begin(9600);
> Serial.println("O2 Sensor...");
> // put your setup code here, to run once:
> }
> void loop() {
> float Vout =0;
*> *
> Serial.print("Vout =");
> Vout = readO2Vout();
> Serial.print(Vout);
> Serial.print(" V, O2 = ");
> Serial.println(readConcentration());
> delay(500);
> }
> float readO2Vout()
> {
> long sum = 0;
> for(int i=0; i<32; i++)
> {
> sum += analogRead(pinAdc);
> }
> sum >>= 5;
> float MeasuredVout = sum * (VRefer / 1023.0);
> return MeasuredVout;
> }
> float readConcentration()
> {
> // Vout samples are with reference to 3.3V
> float MeasuredVout = readO2Vout();
> //float Concentration = FmultiMap(MeasuredVout, VoutArray,O2ConArray, 6);
> //when its output voltage is 2.0V,
> float Concentration = MeasuredVout * 0.21 / 1.02;
> float Concentration_Percentage=Concentration100;
> return Concentration_Percentage;
> }_
> // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:*_
so, Can i add this code to multiplexer? i want to read O2 concentration, not simple value.
if i can't, tell me different way that i use 2 sensor on arduino wemos d1.

i want to read O2 concentration, not simple value.

That statement is nonsense. You READ a simple value from the analog pin. You CALCULATE the concentration. You do NOT READ the concentration.

yes i read simple value. but can i make the concentration applying the code?

How i add the concentration code to main multiplexer code?

but can i make the concentration applying the code?

Yes, you have our permission to do that.

You call readMux() twice, to get two values. You know that one of them is the sound sensor. We do not know which one. You know that one of them is the (raw) o2 sensor value. We do not know which one.

Do what you want with the o2 value.