Can I connect two Master Bluetooth HC06 to wemos/node mcu?

Code is below.

int blueTx=5; //Tx

int blueRx=4; //Rx

int blackTx=13;

int blackRx=12;

SoftwareSerial mySerial2(blackTx, blackRx);

SoftwareSerial mySerial(blueTx, blueRx);


Serial.begin(9600); //시리얼모니터

mySerial.begin(9600); //블루투스 시리얼







void motor(){

mySerial.write("motor"); //It would send data to first slave hc06

mySerial2.write("motor"); //It's not sent to second slave hc06


I have four hc06.
and set one for one same name and password to be connected .
for first hc06 master , I pinned D1,D2 and works fine.
but for second hc06 master, I pinned D6,D7 , but It dosen't send data "motor"

Software Serial only work for one?

HC-06 is slave only.
I have no idea of what you are trying to do, and your problem may have nothing tio do with Arduino, but one thing that is worse than using software serial is using it twice. I'm not sure if all pins are suitable for software serial. If using HC-06 as a slave is OK, which appears to be the case, perhaps you can use one on Hardware serial, pins 0,1.