Can I display serial monitor output on led matrix?


I am using esp8266 and receiving internet clock data in the Serial monitor like this;

"2017-12-19-3 13H 23M 0S
2017-12-19-3 13H 23M 1S
2017-12-19-3 13H 23M 2S"

Is it possible to print out these data into a 8*8 max7219 led matrix?
Any comments or advice would be very helpful.


Sure, why not.

But why are you getting such weirdly formatted time data over the Serial monitor, instead of just getting it over NTP directly? You don't have to poll every second for the time, it can keep time quite well, and then you just print the current time on your display.

Thanks for the reply. I am getting data from NTP using this code GitHub - SensorsIot/NTPtimeESP: Small library for ESP8266 which returns the actual time adjusted by time zone and summer time

Could you please advise me how I could read serial monitor output data and display it on the led matrix?


Do you just have the one matrix? You've only got real estate there for displaying around one character at a time, so it's not going to be easy on the eyes...if you had 4 or more, you could setup a scrolling display that would be easy enough to read, perhaps using the Parola library.

or, maybe adapt it to use an LCD... easier, more power efficient, and better looking.