can i kreate 2 Khz -1/1 V signal some how with an arduino ?

i have an Arduino mega and i want to create 2 Khz -1/1 v sine waves !

can i do it ? and how ?

thank you very much !

i have an Arduino mega and i want to create 2 Khz -1/1 v sine waves !

Not directly as AVR chips only use ground and positive Vcc voltages, so not possible to create a negative output voltage directly. And as it has no true analog output functions it cannot even generate a +1vdc output directly. External components and/or modules would be required.

can i do it ? and how ?

I would look for a bipolar DAC module that uses I2C or SPI communications to work with the arduino. Possibly something like this:


thank you very much !

can i do it ?


and how ?

  1. run the mcu at 2v, generate a 0-2v pulse and put a capacitor on the output. On the other side of the capacitor, you have a -1 / +1 Vpp pulse;

  2. if you have to run the mcu at a higher value, you can use a 2v zener / led to limit its swing down to 2v.

Please grow up dhenry you are lowering the standards of the whole forum:-

run the mcu at 2v,

Except you can't.

generate a 0-2v pulse and put a capacitor on the output

The guy is asking for a sin wave output -

you can use a 2v zener / led to limit its swing down to 2v.

For a Sin wave?

questions are always easy to answer if you don't read the question.

@henry: Please be serious. You can't run the Arduino Mega at 2V, because it has a 16 MHz crystal or resonator. Plus you could hardly do that without an external power supply, as the USB in, and regulated voltage in, run at 5V.