Can i program external PIC´s with Arduino. - WHICH to buy?

Hello. I am totally new to arduino, i´ve not even bouhgt a board yet, but it is a matter of time.

I AM bying an arduinoboard, but please help me. What to buy. I would prefer one that i can use to program PIC micro controllers, but it is not essentiel. I need a GOOD arduino and i can buy a PIC programmer on its own, if it is.

I can see that there is a lot of knowhow in this forum, and if you would guide me in the righr direction, i would appreciate it !!

Greetings from Denmark and a happy holiday from Jens

Hi Jens and welcome, nice to see another Danish on the forum !,

I would suggest that you buy an Arduino UNO, with DIP chip.
If you are unlucky to damage the chip, you can just buy a chip and plug it in.
You don't need a programmer, just plug the UNO in the USB of your computer and you are ready to go.
And by the way, Arduino dont't use PIC but AVR controllers.

Places to look for my prefered shop, day to day delivery

Greetings from Aarhus

"Mange tak", thankyou to Aarhus.

AVR, ok. Can it be programmed in Basic, C+ mm.


The programming language is c/c++ , you can get an overview here:

To give you an impression, here is the first sketch to try. It is blinking a LED also known as Hello World for microcontrollers like Arduino

  Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
  This example code is in the public domain.
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
// give it a name:
int led = 13;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {                
  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);     

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);               // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);               // wait for a second

To EMI from Aarhus.

Thankyou for your quick reply. I must remind you that i not yet own a board... "All shame on me".

I do think i understand the programming language, the example you´ve send to me. It is not so different from Q-Basic and DOS. oldschool DOS, i think. I have a little, (minimum), understanding of TTL and C_MOS. I am selfeducated and only a fool hyres him / herself as a loyer and a teacher, -ha ha.

Apropos, i have been looking into an Arduino course posted on Let-´s webpage / hjemmeside last in january. 3 days all arduino. IF you will, then look it up. It is for amatours and a little trained. I think it would be exellent for me...

You have recommended me an Arduino uno. I am stupid OR new to this field, but we are talking Arduino R3, right. I would be sorry if i should waste my time on an inferior Arduino... i am NOT rich, but what electronics go, it is very cheap + the best, (i´ve been told). -I am talking about Arduino.

You know what arduino is about, i can tell. So PLEASE advise about what to buy. There is a lot of shields, displays, keypads and more. I might as well buy what i am going to need now. When you know you are hooked you might as well go all the way.

I want Arduino for it´s functions, that i have read about, AND when i also can program microcontrollers..Then i am sold.

So then.... If you were me.. What would you buy ??

Greetings from Jens to all the Arduino society: JUST wait. I will soon be one of you.

You have recommended me an Arduino uno. I am stupid OR new to this field, but we are talking Arduino R3, right. I would be sorry if i should waste my time on an inferior Arduino... i am NOT rich, but what electronics go, it is very cheap + the best, (i´ve been told). -I am talking about Arduino.

Arduino R3 with the chip in a socket is the best general purpose Arduino.

This is the one:

You know what arduino is about, i can tell. So PLEASE advise about what to buy. There is a lot of shields, displays, keypads and more. I might as well buy what i am going to need now. When you know you are hooked you might as well go all the way.

Only you know what you need....but you'll definitely need a breadboard and some wires.

There are some Arduino starter kits which have an Arduino, breadboard and lots of components for learning, eg.:

(And many "arduino starter kit")

Pick one that you like the look of. It's a good way to start.

The official Arduino kit is quite new and looks really nice: Arduino Starter Kit Multi-language — Arduino Official Store

PICs and Atmel [Arduino] are 2 totally different families, and as they say, "never the
twain shall meet". Arduinos have the built-in bootloader, so you can program them
easily with just the Arduino IDE, and a USB port on your PC.

PICs have complicated programming algorithms, and it seems that almost every darn
part has a different algorithm anymore. They also typically require 13V programming
voltage. The only really practical option is to buy a PIC programmer, such as PICKit2
or PICkit3 at $50 USD, and use it with the Microchip "free" MPLAB IDE environment.
Microchip also has "free" C compilers for several of their chip families.

So, two very different worlds.

The other thing is, Arduino has many many pre-programmed functions and libraries that
you will have to create for yourself when using PICs. My experience with PICs is that,
many of the libraries,etc that you can download are almost too complicated to use
and understand. So all in all, Arduino is much easier to get into from the getgo.

arduino for arduino ,and try Xino for PIC and PICaxe ,they do some cheapo boards

Can i program external PIC´s with Arduino.


You may be able to program internal PICs too, if they are wired correctly.

Thank´s to all for your help. I now know that i am going to byu an Arduino R3, starterkit and a PIC programmer seperately.

It is great that there is a forum with nice and helpful people who are willing to help a newcomer like me !!

Thankyou to all from Jens.

I have no idea what dhenry's comment is supposed to mean. Many of his comments are
highly cryptic. Best to refer back to post #6.

Hello everyone,

I'm new here. I decided to buy Arduino. What board to buy? What board is the best for learning? I watched some tutorials about Arduino and since programming is very similar to C, i decided to buy one cause i know C well. These are available in my country:


I'm new here. I decided to buy Arduino. What board to buy?

The UNO and Leonardo are good first boards for learning.

However, in general in the future, you would do better to start a new thread with questions
such as this, rather than have them lost in an unrelated thread like this one.

To reply # 12

I AM totally new to Arduno and started this thread to get answers of my TWO questions:

I want to learn programming and wondered what arduino to buy. -Arduino because i have read and heard that it is the best platform for this peticular job

Then i have asked about a PIC programmer, and if i could use an arduinoboard!

I have asked about two things and i have got good response to both questions.

WHAT do you men that i am better off to start a new "thread"

I started this thread !!

To all other: Thankyou for answering my "stupid" questions. I have ordered my Arduino AND a PIC programmer. Thanks for your big help from Jens

Sorry, i´ve clicked on the mouse too soon. Did the person not ask the same question as i have did?


WHAT do you men that i am better off to start a new "thread"

I started this thread !!

If you'll check, you'll see I was responding to BeloMeso's post, which wasn't related to PICs.

Yes, i know. He asked Arduino board and programming.

He seems to be a newcomer like me, to Arduino. I have learned a lot from this thread, where a little portion have been around PIC programming. I have learned a lot and if a person asks a similar person they are most wellcome to this thread that i have started, BUT BY ALL MEANS:

I think you should start your own thread and invite all newcomers over! i JUST HOPE I WILL GET AN INVITATION!

To all you serious people outthere. Greetings from Jens

You don't really need an invitation. Just go where you want.