Hello I was working on a project and accidentaly burned the atmega 328p chip. Now when i plug in to my PC it recognizes so i wonder if it's possible to program attiny85 chip with it?
No, programming an attiny with another Arduino requires the help of a sketch (arduino as ISP) loaded onto the atmega328p (or whichever chip is on that board), if you've trashed the '328p, you can't run that sketch and hence cannot use the board as a programmer.
If it has socketed 328p, you can swap in a new one (either a pre-bootloaded one, or bootload it with another arduino or ISP programmer) - though often after doing this, one finds that whatever abuse took out the '328p also trashed other stuff on the board. Is that an official or clone arduino? It's unusual for the serial adapter to survive at all after something brutal enough to trash the '328p on the official boards. The clones with CH340G/CP2102 adapters seem somewhat more resiliant to such electronic abuse.