Hey! I am working on RFID card attendance device using Arduino UNO. I am using following components:
RFID card scanner
16x2 LCD display with I2C controller
SD card reader
The problem is with pins configuration. SD card reader requires pins 10, 11, 12 and 13 that are already used by RFID card scanner. Is there any option to change the pin configurations of SD card reader? Or should I use a sperate board like Arduino nano for it?
Please let me know thanks in advance!
SPI is a bus. More than one SPI device can be used on the bus.
So if the RFID reader is an SPI device the SD card can use the SPI pins as well, 11,12,13. The SD select pin can be any of the other available digital pins.
However, some SD card adapters dont implement the SPI bus properly and can affect other devices on the SPI bus.
I am not confirm because I am learning, but according to my observation both modules consists of MOSI, MISO and SCK pins that indicates that both are SPI.