Hello everyone, I have a project, I wanna remove the on\off button because customer press on button, after finish the their work they forget to switch off mode in button. Therefore my device battery runs out of. I have a telephone application. Can i do when i enter the program, device will be start automatically and when i close the program, device will be close automatically? maybe this is impossible or can be like this. When i press On button device start and when i wanna turn off then press the button which is in the telephone application this will be send command and by this command arduino turn of itself. Is it possible. I ponder this can be with transistor, when send signal arduino accumulate data and will send 5 or 3.5 volt to transistor Base leg and arduino turn of it self. Yeah i know it is so complicated state but i think you understand me. At least try to give advice me. Thanks, regargds Farhad
No, I don't understand because you never describe HOW the Arduino gets turned ON!
I think if you made an actual flow chart of your logic it would help.
if you could also explain better how the phone application (MIT AI ?) is discussing with the Arduino (which arduino?)
if you could also share a circuit of your system...
If the customer turns it on, this device can turn it off from your program:
You can make it so the customer can only turn the device on, all turning off would be by programmed action.
You can probably find equivalent circuits and make your own; these are cheap or expensive, I can't tell anymore. I value time more than money.
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