Can I use this programmer with the ArduinoNG ICSP


I found this programmer on eBay:

Anyone knows if this can be used with the Arduino ICSP?


At the very leat you will have to adapt the Arduino's 6 pin ICSP to the 10 pin header on the deice you reference. Beyond that, no idea, but it looks suspiciously like the 74hc244 based programmer I built (well, this one is neater than mine.)


Look what i found...

By the time you buy the cheap programmer and ship it, then buy the adapter and ship it (assuming it fits, since they use a 2x5 header on the cable which may be too large, requiring you to find a 2x3 header) you've spent over 50% of the price of the AVRISPmkII made by Atmel/sold by digikey.

If you're gonna spend US$20 on this, may as well save another US$20 and buy the real thing from Atmel, IMO.
