Hello All,
I have an Uno R3 and I'm currently trying to get a Data Logger shield to work with my Linux installation. My intended project is to detect an electrical event, (via analog or digital pins) which has worked well... but then to timestamp it, and leave a note about it. Thus the Data Logger shield. I was wondering though, if the Leonardo, having simultaneous USB and Serial capability, would be able to serially save a message, such as a text file to Windows XP, or Linux, and have it saved on the computer, solving the problem of;
A.) Communicating to the computer in a way other than a fleeting message on the IDE, and;
B.) Saving that data "off" of the Arduino, which has only limited (512 bytes storage capability.
Real-time communication with a computer (other than the IDE) via Perl, or Visual Basic or whatever other protocol, is currently not a straightforward process, so far as I know... And ditto with data storage. Any ideas about my project? Does Leonardo raise the bar? And will Leonardo play well with Linux?
Thanks for any preview of Leonardo's capabilities!
In Windows you would be able to use Gobetwino to do the logging for you. In Linux I think you will need to write your own application which reads from the Arduino's serial port and logs the event in whichever way you prefer - for example, writing a log entry to a file. The application would be relatively simple to write if you can cope with development in the Linux environment.