CAN - MCP2515 initialization problem

I'm trying to connect mcp2515 to LinkIt ONE board(compatibile with Arduino). I'm using LinkIt ONE(digital pins operates at 3.3v) + Level translator(TXB0108PWR) + CAN module with MCP2515 and TJA1050 on board. I did tested my MCP2515 with RPi and everything worked fine there so IC is not broken. I cannot fully determinate whether my initializations goes wrong or good. Each time I read register value it returns different response. Between reads I don't call any SPI command so theoretically registers values shouldn't change. I've tried to use two types of reset after power-up using SPI command(0xC0) and hardware(low-level on RST pin). After both i get same results. Now I will share some informations about my scheme.
I did attached connections scheme but, there's a table for those who cannot see wiring well in image:

| LinkIt ONE | | Level translator(TXB0108PWR) | | MCP2515 |
| - | - | - |
| 3.3v | VA | --- |
| 5v | VB | +5v, nRST |
| GND | GND | GND |
| SCK | A2(3.3v) <-> B2(5v) | SCK |
| MISO | A4(3.3v) <-> B4(5v) | SO |
| MOSI | A5(3.3v) <-> B5(5v) | SI |
| PIN9(CS) | A6(3.3v) <-> B6(5v) | nCS |
| PIN2(INT) | A3(3.3v) <-> B3(5v) | nINT |

2)My code looks like this:
a)Each SPI command call:
digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);
for example readRegister:

byte readRegister(const byte reg_addr){
  byte ret;
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
    ret = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);
  return ret;

b)initialization(can_mode ANY, can_speed 250Kbps, can_clk 16MHz):

byte initialize(
  const byte can_mode, 
  const byte can_speed,
  const byte can_clk){
  byte result;
  softReset();//using SPI command
  if(!setCtrlRegister(CANCTRL_MODE_CONFIG)) //entering config mode by using bit modify
    return FAIL;

  if(!configRate(can_speed, can_clk)) //setting registers: MCP_CNF1, MCP_CNF2, MCP_CNF3
    return result;
  initBuffers();//Initializig masks, filters. Clearing transmit buffers
  modifyRegister(MCP_CANINTE, 0x03, MCP_RX0IF | MCP_RX1IF);

    return FAIL;

  result = setCtrlRegister(MCP_NORMAL); 
    Serial.print("Returning to Previous Mode Failure...\r\n");
  return result; 

I don't try to receive any frames now because initialization is not fully confirmed. Do you have any suggestions how to solve that?