can not connect to my trinket pro

I recently bought a pro-trinket 5V and am trying to conenct it to PC. In the IDE (1.6.7)
I choose the board: Arduino pro or pro mini, I guess that is right but the menu doen't match the 1.0.5 IDE where the trinket is a separate option.

Now I try connection the trinket with a normal mini-USB cable. In the windows device manager is see the USBtiny device come up. The red led start pulsating. Then I try to upload the blink example program. The led remains pulsating. and after a while I get the sync error 0x30 or 0x87...., Each time I try it is a different code. For some reason in the IDE it states COM1 as port, I can not deselect that

Then I try it with a prolific FDTI cable (which I also use with the HUZZAH) and select in the IDE COM4 which is the right device. Again try to upload the blink example. The red light stops flashing, goes red for a while (>1sec) and then starts flashing again, repeating this sequence. After a while the IDE reports not in sync with code 0x5d, but I have seen several other codes as well

I found out the pro or pro mini is not the same as the pro trinket

but what happened to the trinket in the board menu, it is not there...I checked the 1.6.7 version, but also tried the 1.0.5 version which is shown in the guided tour, still no trinket in the board menu

anyone an idea what can solve this?

Have you asked on the Adafruit forums or searched those forums for threads dealing with similar problems?


yes, but got no response

found it finally!!!!!

I had to add the adfruit boards definitions in the IDE
they are not there by default

it is not clear in the guide for the trinket

I'm having the same trouble. I installed the Tinyusb drivers from Adafruit. Windows 7 Professional. Any other needed information please let me know. IDE 1.6.7

I do not understand what is meant by "adding the board definitions in the IDE". Some help please...?

Thanks. Nick

I do not understand what is meant by "adding the board definitions in the IDE". Some help please...?

Do this:

After that the Trinket Pro, etc will appear in the Tools > Board menu.

I added the url. I also opened it up in another window to see what it was.
It opens up what looks like a text file with arduino code. I'm assuming you wanted me to just add the url under FILE - PREFERENCES - ADDITIONAL BOARDS MANAGER URLs: //

Did that, saved and closed IDE, reopened. "Adafruit AVR Boards" still not there!
It does have Arduino AVR Boards but not Adafruit AVR Boards.

WAIT!!!! missed the HTTPS. I think I got it...

Yes that worked;
What do I use for TOOLS - PROGRAMMER?
Still having trouble with USB... I installed the adafruit drivers... Should I re-do that?

What do I use for TOOLS - PROGRAMMER?


Still having trouble with USB... I installed the adafruit drivers... Should I re-do that?

Hopefully it will start working with the USBtinyISP selected as programmer.

For anyone else reading this for guidance... You need to pay close attention to Adafruits Trinket Pro Boot loader sequence:

How to start the USB bootloader
Before you try to upload code to the Pro Trinket using the USB bootloader it must be in the Bootloader Mode. That means its listening for a sketch or program to be sent to it
When the Pro Trinket is in bootloader mode, the red LED will be pulsing. Once the red LED stops pulsing, you must press the reset button to re-enter bootloader mode
The Pro Trinket must be connected to a computer via a USB cable to enter bootloader mode. You can enter the bootloader mode by pressing the little button on the board with your fingernai. The bootloader will 'time out' after 10 seconds, so to re-enter the bootloader mode just re-press the button!

Don't press-and-hold the reset button, be sure to press-and-release!

I have done all these thing still can not connect

Should I change avrdude??? Can anyone summarize the steps?