Perhaps the most simple question ever, but I can not find it.
I have a very old version IDE version 1.7 from .org from some years ago and now installed the latest version available which seems to be 1.8.12
After installation of 1.8.12 IDE I added the ArduinoJson library via Sketch - include Library - Manage Libraries, seached for Json and selected the 6.15.1 version and installed it.
However when I go to File - Examples there are no ArduinoJson Library examples.
What am I doing wrong?
the library is in C:\Users\HenkLevels\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson
In this folder I do not see a example folder.
When I go to the very old IDE 1.7.7 from .org and go to Files - Examples I also do not see examples.
However in C:\IDE-arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson\examples there are exampes and it used to work.
the library is in C:\Users\HenkLevels\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson
In this folder I do not see a example folder.
The folder C:\Users\HenkLevels\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson\examples should exist. If it doesn't, that indicates something went wrong with the library installation. You will need to try installing it again:
Delete C:\Users\HenkLevels\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson. Please be very careful when deleting things from your computer. When in doubt, back up!
(In the Arduino IDE) Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries
Wait for the download to finish.
In the "Filter your search..." field, type "arduinojson".
Click on "ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon"
Click the "Install" button.
Wait for the installation to finish.
Click the "Close" button.
You should now see the library examples under File > Examples > ArduinoJson.
However in C:\IDE-arduino\libraries\ArduinoJson\examples there are exampes and it used to work.
It's a bad idea to install things to the Arduino IDE installation folder because everything in that folder will be lost every time you update to a new version of the Arduino IDE. You should always install libraries to the libraries subfolder of your sketchbook folder (shown in the Arduino IDE at File > Preferences > Sketchbook location). When you do an installation via Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries, the library is automatically installed to the correct location.