Hy, can someone chek if i have recreated correctly the circuit from the datashit into the PCB software (EasyEDA)? Thanks.
EasyEda have proper symbol for Shottky diode
Everything else is ok?
It looks OK but the Datasheet I found shows a different inductor value.
(It also doesn't show C1... Sometimes a ceramic capacitor is put in parallel with an electrolytic because electrolytic capacitors don't "act like" capacitors ate high frequencies.)
I am gonna try both inductors and see witch gives the right output. Thanks
Your output is 5V/2A. With 12V Vin, you're dropping 7V. 7V × 2A = 14W!
It's going to get HOT! FAST! Plan accordingly.
"14W!... HOT! FAST!"
Oh, rubbish.
The XL1509 is a DC-DC converter (not a linear regulator).
You want a fixed 5v output? Then ensure you specify XL1509-5.0E1. The adjustable version of the XL1509 requires an external voltage divider for the feedback pin.
The diode on the feedback pin will likely cause a massive overvoltage at the output and does not appear on the reference circuit.
By convention, schematics are organized by voltage. Higest voltage (typically Vcc) at the top, lowest (gnd) at the bottom. Orient your components to point in the direction of voltage.
Signals, like text, flow left (inputs) to right (outputs).
Schematics have a language all their own. Learning it will help clarify your design process. There's more to it than randomly placing symbols on the page.
Compare the direction of the grounds in your schematic vs the data sheet schematic.
Automated drafting programs can produce gibberish, versus a simple, properly drawn, hand schematic, which can communicate much more effectively.
Thank you, i am still a newbie in electrical engineering. I decided some years ago to challeng myself with a very ambitious project and i am learning on the way.
Thank you, now i see it and i am gonna correct it.
Why don't you draw the schematic exactly as it appears in the data sheet?
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