Can someone explain why people vote for Trump?

I am for the UK and I am amazed that there are people that people vote for Trump. Why, is it that there are so many stupid people?

In the UK to Trump is to fart. It seem to me he smells like a fart but looks like a shit.

Do you mean this guy?

We need someone that is not a career politian. Compared to the other cadidates, he's the best choice. But, I would bet that nothing will change no matter who is in office. I think the presidency is more of a publicity stunt than anything else.

The fascination with Trump is easy to understand. I am stunned by the fact that so many people will vote for clinton or sanders.

The GOP will not let him win.

Yes but he is so stupid, can no one see this?

What do you think is so stupid about him?

The fascination with Trump is easy to understand. I am stunned by the fact that so many people will vote for clinton or sanders.

No it is not easy to understand for anyone in the UK. That is why I am posting this to see if someone can explain his appeal.
To me the similarities with Hitler are alarming. A funny little man who is a racist and says he wants to stop his country being pushed arround. And that did not end well did it?

What do you think is so stupid about him?

Everything he says is just like a three year old.

To me the similarities with Hitler are alarming. A funny little man who is a racist and says he wants to stop his country being pushed arround. And that did not end well did it?

And at a time when the goings on in Syria resemble the Spanish Civil War.

And so many people in the UK want to leave the EU - the institution specifically created out of the ashes left by Hitler to avoid a recurrence of that awful period.

Why is it that people have such an urge to separate from each other rather than to join together for the common good?


Freedom, nuff said.

There are no truly conservative parties left.

Wow, from here both parties look extreme right wing.

But why does Trump have to lie all the time. Like "there are parts of London that are a no go area for the police". Utter rubbish. Just like the people who thought Stephen Hawkins was American because of his accent.

Why does he think that building a huge wall will keep people out? We have a 20 mile 100 ft deep moat around the UK and that doesn't keep everyone out. Desperate people will always find a way round it, under it or through it. It is the sort of thing a drunk teenager would come up with. Does he propose to shoot people trying to cross? I suppose he does.

Some Muslims have embraced the American way, hording weapons and going on a mass shooting spree killing many of their work place colleagues. What could be more American than that?

"Land of the free" makes me laugh. America has never been that. You can't even discuss the merits of Communism without being deported, imprisoned, and black listed. If it were the Land of the Free with free speech you would be free to do that. The discussion about the merits of Communism would show it has few merits at all but why ban discussion? We have a British Communist party, it is very small and no one pays much attention to it. We are way more free in the UK.

Most of the narrative you got in films in the 50s, were :- Kid shunned and bullied, Kid finds a hidden talent, every loves the kid - isn't America great. Well no if it were truly great the kid would not have been bullied and persecuted in the first place. It is the most conservative society, only "officially approved deviations are allowed".

Take the song / story of Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. He had a red nose, so he got called names and not allowed to join in playing with the other reindeer. Then it was discovered that he could guide Santa in the fog, Oh how the other reindeer loved him. I bet no one in America has ever given that song a thought like that.

The American people are being lied to in order to whip them up into a climate of fear and anger. You have to be stupid to fall for that don't you?

Always has been about money, power and making the populous believe what you you want.

Always has been about money, power and making the populous believe what you you want.

Like politics everywhere. :frowning:

Politics is much easier if the Politicians can point the finger at the "bad guys". For Hitler it was the Jews. For the Shias it seems to be the Sunnis - or have I that backwards?. In Northern Ireland it was Catholic vs Protestant.

If the Politician can point the finger at "bad guys" he can avoid the need to talk about the important things that might actually matter to ordinary people.


Wow, from here both parties look extreme right wing.

That's because out Overton window has shifted so far to the right, that even the leftist parties look (and in reality, pretty much -ara-) like righties to anyone from a sane portion of the world.

But why does Trump have to lie all the time. Like "there are parts of London that are a no go area for the police". Utter rubbish. Just like the people who thought Stephen Hawkins was American because of his accent.

Because no one he is pandering to will bother to even try to fact check and call him out. When he is called out, the callee is assumed to be "the other"/"the enemy" - and will be drowned out by Trump's supporters, or ignored.

I mean, come on now - this is America - land of a church on every corner (especially in the south, who are also the country's largest consumer market of porn - but they'll deny that until they're blue in the face), where more than half the population doesn't understand (or accept) evolution, and where there is a sizeable population that believes the earth is flat...seriously.

Why does he think that building a huge wall will keep people out? We have a 20 mile 100 ft deep moat around the UK and that doesn't keep everyone out. Desperate people will always find a way round it, under it or through it. It is the sort of thing a drunk teenager would come up with. Does he propose to shoot people trying to cross? I suppose he does.

Yeah, I'm sure he (and/or his supporters) believe in an armed response - in short, they want something equivalent to the Berlin wall.

Some Muslims have embraced the American way, hording weapons and going on a mass shooting spree killing many of their work place colleagues. What could be more American than that?

Umm - some of us have weapons, and we don't go on shooting sprees. Just because you may own a lot of guns, ammo, etc - doesn't mean you are irresponsible with weapon(s). Unfortunately, us responsible gun owners - who are likely in the majority - are (like everything else here) drowned out by the screaming minority, who get all the press (because if it bleeds, it leads, of course).

"Land of the free" makes me laugh. America has never been that. You can't even discuss the merits of Communism without being deported, imprisoned, and black listed. If it were the Land of the Free with free speech you would be free to do that. The discussion about the merits of Communism would show it has few merits at all but why ban discussion? We have a British Communist party, it is very small and no one pays much attention to it. We are way more free in the UK.

We can discuss that over here, too. You won't be deported, imprisoned, or "black listed" - despite what some believe, the McCarthy era is over (though there are more than a few people who want to bring it back, unfortunately).

That said, there are many areas of our society that could use improvement (some a little, some a lot). I would dare say that this applies to everyone's country and society as well.

Most of the narrative you got in films in the 50s, were :- Kid shunned and bullied, Kid finds a hidden talent, every loves the kid - isn't America great. Well no if it were truly great the kid would not have been bullied and persecuted in the first place. It is the most conservative society, only "officially approved deviations are allowed".

I think you are seeing the rhetoric of one side of things, much like we over here tend to see only the same (or - let's be honest - little to nothing at all, unless you watch BBC, PBS, NPR, and Al Jaezzra) about Europe, the UK, etc.

Take the song / story of Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. He had a red nose, so he got called names and not allowed to join in playing with the other reindeer. Then it was discovered that he could guide Santa in the fog, Oh how the other reindeer loved him. I bet no one in America has ever given that song a thought like that.

Not quite sure where you are going with this - other than a rant about how we're not introspective, perhaps? Yeah - welcome to my hellhole.

The American people are being lied to in order to whip them up into a climate of fear and anger. You have to be stupid to fall for that don't you?

No - you just have to be angry, bigoted, racist, ignorant, and most of all: fearful. Of which, there are ton of people in the United States which fit the profile.

Which is why I believe Trump is a Poe. Crazy like a fox, and walking a tightrope. Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part, but I have this insane thought that if he got elected, he'd swear in on the Bible (of which, he knows nothing about - more pandering to "the base"), then give his speech and say "fooled ya!"

Why? Who knows? Maybe he has a personal agenda? Maybe he is in this just to derail the GOP or prevent them from getting the presidency? I bet - if you could - if you followed the money, you'd find out why he is doing and running the way he is. All he is doing is pandering - and poorly at that - but for some reason, the people he is pandering to either don't care, or are really that oblivious.

The person we need for President likely won't become the POTUS, but I am going to vote for them either way, because I always said I would should they run (I even asked them to run a long time ago, and told them I would vote for them, because I liked their policy, their unwavering stance, and a host of other things).

Who we'll get is likely still up in the air - it's kinda scary over here, from my viewpoint. It isn't so much about who becomes President, as it is who they will pick for Supreme Court justices. One or two highly conservative people on the bench there could easily roll back decades of social and environmental progress. Not to mention the possibility of our debt going even higher than it is (which is already stupendous and infuriating - oh, what we could have done for our infrastructure using 1 trillion dollars!!!).

Thanks for that cr0sh, it does go some way to explain things to me.

The rudolf thing was illustrating the marginalised kid stories I saw on 50s TV over here.

Some one mentioned loss of some personal freedoms over the last 20 years. Do you know what this is? Is it the freedom to blow away long haired bikers, ak Easy Rider?

We need someone that is not a career politian.

Maybe someone with an IQ bigger than his shoe size, though?
An economist, perhaps?

An economist, perhaps?

You CanNOT be SERIOUS (to quote a tennis star)

A friend of mine has a good philosophy ...

Anyone who WANTS a position of authority (in politics, the civil service, business etc) should be de-barred automatically.


Just perfect

The government has too much money. It has been allowed to grow without bound and government growth is parasitic to individual liberty. I does not take an economist to recognize that an operating debt of over $19,000,000,000,000 represents a catastrophic situation. This number is small compared to the massive liabilities the government will be responsible for in the future and for which, there is no funding.

It makes me sick when I hear those two idiots, sanders and clinton, argue over which one of them can best spend my money.

What needs to be done is our constitution needs to be strengthened to protect the citizens from this out of control government. For instance:
Term limits for the senate and house
Term limits for the supremes
Return election of the senate to the states
Eliminate the 4th branch of govt.
Limit federal spending
Limit taxation

I am not voting for Trump in the primary but I would vote for a bag of fungal toenail clippings in the general before I would vote for clinton or sanders.