ive come to the point now where i wish to jump on my arduino and chuck it in the bin!!!!!
ok so ive been having issues with uploading to the arduino mega 2560,
everything was working fine... and then bang one day it just stopped. so i ordered another cheap and cheerful one online, and the same thing,
i initally thought it was my pc playing up as it was loaded with all sorts of crap.. so today ive formatted my pc and still no joy!!!
i have even tried a friends pc who has a arduino aswell, his programs fine and both my say they fail to communicate to the board.
ive tried running the loop back test but nothing reports back when i use the serial monitor.
im ive got no clue why neither my arduino or my clone are not working ?
can anyone help ?
PS i forgot to add i can normally upload a blank project.... but the second i try to upload my project or a sample project included in the arduino software nothing
the arduino is using the correct comport.
and i can see it in device manager.
im using the mega 2560 and software ver 1.6.4
ive tried many sketches from the examples menu, (blink, fade, ive even written my own sketch to power up a pin)
the arduino is using com3
and the board is set to Arduino mega or mega 2560
the programmer is set to ArduinoISP