i am new to this, i am making a little think on a bread board that
consists of a 7 segment display, a piezo speaker, an LED, a
photoresistor, and a potentiometer. I want to have have the
display count from 0-9 with the LED and speaker going off
simultaneously by waving your hand over the photo resistor
Heres my code thats not very good and not working properly:
Which function does not work properly?
Kind of like the whole thing, I basically tried to combine 3 projects that i have done into one, but i guess the code doesnt cooperate well with each other. Here are the 3 individual projects:
Which function does not work properly?
Kind of like the whole thing, I basically tried to combine 3 projects that i have done into one, but i guess the code doesnt cooperate well with each other. Here are the 3 individual projects:
Hello, I have a piezo speaker, 1 red LED, potentiometer, photo resistor, and a simple 7 segment display along with an assortment of resistors.
I want to make a a little countdown clock counting down from 9-0 while simultaneously beeping and flashing a red led once per second. i.e. at the same time a digit is displayed a beep and LED flash occur. I have everything set up but I do not know how to code it. If someone can be my savior i will thank you a million times...and youll be really helping me out. PLEASE!
Potentiometer is connected to Analog 0
Photo resistor is connected to Analog 1
LED is connected to Digital 11
7 segment display is connected as such:
PORTD.7 is connected to the A Segment of the 7 segment display etc.
Homework? I'll move this to gigs and collaborations. Unless you explain why this is "desperate" and you have to shout at us in all capitals.
Most people who get a new gadget take their time to calmly work out how to make it do things. There is no desperation about it.
Garfungul, learning how to make a project is very easy once you break it up into pieces, for example google this: "How to use potentiometer with Arduino" , "How to use 7 segment display with arduino " , "How to use piezo speaker with Arduino" , "How to use a library with arduino". After learning how to use each individual part you will find that using them together can be an easy task.
I have been using Arduino for 4 years so far and if there's one thing i learned, it is that all the information and tutorials are already out there (for the most part) and can be found much more quickly then asking for it again (im also sure that if you expect any helpful responses in the future you must at least show that you have put some effort into finding the solution ex: example code.).
Garfungul, learning how to make a project is very easy once you break it up into pieces,
Garfungul's three previous posts were about this same project. In the earlier thread he had code for the separate parts of the project. I don't understand why he'd post less information this time.
It's against the forum rules to cross post like this.
Can you please post a copy of your sketch, using code tags?
They are made with the </> icon in the reply Menu.
See section 7 http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Thanks.. Tom..
Moderator: Threads merged - cross-posting wastes time!
Why did you dump your code in the rubbish bin? Surely you don't expect us to dig it out and rinse all the crap off.
Post your code HERE if you want help.
You can attach your code to posts, which you would have learned if you read the forum "stickies".