Can someone identify this component?

I think its a mosfet no idea n channel or p channel. Reverse engineering of this board gives nothing of why all this circuit is there.

Its circuit by brose to control dc motor. Board has 7 incoming wires. 1 shield, 2 wires goes directly to motor connectors vcc and gnd. 4 wires are kinda control wires but all the circuit dealing with 4 wires is insulated from motor wires. Checked with multimeter no connection even at Mohm range.

Drawing what i could extract so far reveals this schematic.

Edit: all vias are checked. P(purple) wire could be positive wire I assumed its GND but am not sure. Also assumed mosfets are n-channel while drawing schematic.

Could you double-check your images? I can't see any pictures in your post.

Could you double-check your images? I can't see any pictures in your post.

Till now I cant attach any pictures with iPhone have to send it to my laptop and reattach from there :(((

Till now I cant attach any pictures with iPhone have to send it to my laptop and reattach from there :(((

That's no problem, I understand. Here's a guide to putting your pictures into a post just I've done below.

Could they be hall sensors, to detect motor position or RPM.

I searched for AP22 and couldnt find anything some links to diode incorporated voltage regulator ics and thats all. Thought may be someone used this ic and knows what is it.

I doubt of them being hall sensors cos they act like mosfets. I tested with multimeter 2 pins are open but as soon as i give +0.8v to 3rd pin then source and drain are starting to show continuity with some resistance. Both AP22 ics are showing exact same values when testing with multimeter. Thats why i assumed they are mosfets. But then am trapped in my own schematic cos cant understand the purpose of whole that circuitry.

Letter A in front is similar to Allegro microsystems logo.

Edit: Wawa u might be right. After looking Allegro’s hall sensors this might be one of them as per this config.

Could they be hall sensors, to detect motor position or RPM.

The hint would be that the hole in the middle of the PCB is where a shaft goes.

No shaft sits well above the hole. But there is a circular magnetic ring flat which almost touches the board but there is some clearance. I dont know what that hole is for may be its kinda multi application use.

2 hall sensors 180 degree from each other i think they are for determining angle of rotation. I.e. shaft is moving forward or reverse.

Wawa +1

No shaft sits well above the hole. But there is a circular magnetic ring flat which almost touches the board but there is some clearance.

Oh, so you know they are hall sensors then! The detail that was supposed to be in the first post! :roll_eyes:

I don't know what that hole is for may be its kinda multi application use.

Yeah. For the shaft to go though. :grinning: It's pretty obvious really.

2 hall sensors 180 degree from each other i think they are for determining angle of rotation. I.e. shaft is moving forward or reverse.

Well they are not 180º from each other. They are a fractional number of magnetic poles apart to form a quadrature encoder. Your magnetic ring has many poles around its circumference - at least ten I would guess.

They will be linear Hall sensors I think, given the filtering on the output pins.
0V purple,
5V yellow,
multimeter/'scope on the blue and green outputs and slowly rotate the shaft - if linear
the voltages vary smoothly, if they jump between 0V and 5V its a pair of Hall switches.

This is a pretty common way to add an encoder to a gear motor - the crude resolution of the
hall circuit is not a problem as the reduction gearing multiples the resolution.

Thanks MarkT for explanation.

Paul__B you are wrong about title of the thread. First before Wawa suggested it can be hall sensor i wasnt sure what is it which clearly states in the title. Im not a fan of changing titles because its harder to follow the subject who is getting notifications if thread has updated reply. So im not going to change the titles in future except can add there that the problem is [SOLVED].

For the hole confusion again shaft physically cant go through so thats not that obvious.

Magnetic ring block of your reply is explanatory and acceptable thanks. It has 4 magnets.

Physical location of ics with protractor confirmed close to 180 degree separation.

Magnetic ring block of your reply is explanatory and acceptable thanks. It has 4 magnets.

4 poles. Its a single magnet.

Physical location of ics with protractor confirmed close to 180 degree separation.

Do you mean 45 degrees physical, which is 90 degrees magnetically as there are only two pole pairs per revolution?
Quadrature requires 90 degree electrical signals.

Requires? If you only want speed and direction and don't need to resolve half turns then the phases don't have to be 90 degrees. Just slap the sensors down anywhere.

So the "A" on this type of package is usually a Logo and it seems to match the style of "Allegro MicroSystems"


They do a lot of hall effect switches normally their branding is the last 3 digits of the product code but cannot find a P22

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