Can this done easier?

Berfore including something into a large sketch I am testing it in a simple sketch. The same here, the data that comes from a is here simulated by a charracter arry. The purpose of the if is to test if the received character contains the nu,ber 0-9 and two other charcters being the comma and dot, eg "qwerty,0123456789.\0" => ",0123456789."
The question is, can this be done easier?

void setup() {
   char teststring[20] = "qwerty,0123456789.\0";
  char saByte;
  bool num_keypad = false;
  for (int i; i <= 20; i++) {
    saByte = teststring[i];
    if(!num_keypad && saByte == ',' || saByte == '.'|| saByte >= '0'&& saByte <= '9'){

void loop() {

Perhaps this might help:

Use strchr

You don't need to include the trailing nul char, the compiler will do that for you

char teststring[20] = "qwerty,0123456789.";

consider using readByteUntil()

if the received string has a space between the cmd and value, sscanf() can be used to read the cmd into a char array and an int. i don't believe the arduino scanf handles floats

Not only you gave 2 terminating 0 at index 18 and 19 you are also reading past the end of array

Then array will be 19 char long, and element [19] will be what?

just define it without a size and all will be taken care of, including the terminating null
char teststring [] = "qwerty,0123456789.";

1 Like

try this way.

String myString ;
String myResult;
char teststring[20] = "qwerty,0123456789.\0";
void setup() {
  myString = teststring;
  int myStart = myString.indexOf(",");
  int myEnd = myString.indexOf(".");
  myResult = myString.substring(myStart, myEnd + 1);
void loop() {

What are you trying to do?

See reply #3

see this post:

Set the "Compiler warnings" preference to All. Then you would get some helpful warnings about mistakes:

warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses]
     if(!num_keypad && saByte == ',' || saByte == '.'|| saByte >= '0'&& saByte <= '9'){
/Users/john/Documents/Arduino/sketch_jan25a/sketch_jan25a.ino:8:69: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses]
     if(!num_keypad && saByte == ',' || saByte == '.'|| saByte >= '0'&& saByte <= '9'){

That means you should put parentheses in your expression to disambiguate the order of operation:
if(!num_keypad && (saByte == ',' || saByte == '.'|| (saByte >= '0'&& saByte <= '9'))) {

warning: 'i' is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
   for (int i; i <= 20; i++) {

You didn't assign an initial value to 'i' and it is a local variable so it doesn't automatically get set to zero. You have to explicitly initialize it:
' for (int i=0; i <= 20; i++) {`

You can save a little code by not using a variable that never changes ('num_keypad').

Here is a version of your sketch that fixes the errors and warnings and removes the unneeded variable.

void setup()
  const char teststring[] = "qwerty,0123456789.";

  for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(teststring); i++)
    char saByte = teststring[i];
    if (saByte == ',' || saByte == '.' || (saByte >= '0' && saByte <= '9'))

void loop() {}

...or you could just use strchr

As in: if (strchr(",.012356789", sabyte))?

  1. I think that would average more comparisons since it has to check 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 as well as comparing to 0 and 9.
  2. It will produce a false positive if 'saByte' contains zero.
  1. Meh. It's serial
  2. Good point.

How do you feel about bsearch? :smiley:

undefined, but beyond the end of the current string but available if you wanted to add additional characters. If you actually did print them out, they most likely would be '\0'

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