Can two MLX90614 be connected to the same Arduino?
How about telling us what it is? Links? I could Google it but you should be doing the work.
what is that due to the covid issue, I am doing a temperature control project and I need to connect two MLX90614 sensors on the same arduino
No, it's a "this is a free help forum" issue.
ok, just wanted to know if anyone had done it.
Okay, but that will severely limit your chances of getting help with it here.
Here is one voice fully agreeing. Helpers help with questions members can't find answers to.
I really just meant the device specifications, but hey, it's also possible that a solution could be found that way. That is why the forum guidelines recommends a Google search prior to posting a question.
But all I'm asking for is a link to the device.
Exactly what I ask members for "now and then".... Help with code is not found using Google.....
...unless it links to this forum...
You linked to a product vendor page. I guess I was not specific enough in my request. I'm looking for links to the device specifications, and any libraries that you are using to interface it with the Arduino. Your complete sketch if you have one.
The only thing I need help with is how to make two of these sensors work on the same arduino.
Yes, but what have you got now? Check the data sheet for information about how to configure the different I2C addresses for each part:
11.2. Use of multiple MLX90614s in SMBus configuration
That is all you need. Have a nice day.
Yes, if you use an Arduino with 2x hardware i²c ports. Almost all Arduino have only one hardware i²c port.
You may be able to use a software i²c library to make a second i²c port on Arduino which have only 1 hardware port.
Another alternative is to use an i²c multiplexer.
EDIT: as @anon57585045 pointed out, there is a way to change the address of these sensors, so you can have 2 or more on the same bus, making things much easier!
That is another way, but it is possible to use multiples of them on one I2C bus.
Yeah, I saw your reply just after I posted mine. Section 11.2 doesn't tell you how you actually give each device a different address... still reading... I see the device has some eeprom, so I guess there must be a way to store a new address there. That's fine for us hobbyists, but how would you mass manufacture a device with 2+ of these sensors? Interesting!
EDIT: ah, table 5 (page 14)
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