Can we use analog inputs as analog outputs?

Please check the attached snap especially red circled analog input pins. I want to know, can we use these pins(A0-A5) as analog outputs just like digital pins(3-13) can be used as input and also as output?or these pins(A0-A5) can only be used as input?

On an UNO, A0-A5 can be referred to as D14-D19.

They can be:

  • analog inputs,
  • digital inputs or
  • digital outputs.

These cannot be used as PWM, analog outputs.

you mean ,they cannot be used analog output?

These cannot be used as PWM, analog outputs.

Well, they can if you run them as SOFTWARE PWM, rather than using the hardware timer/counters to generate your PWM.

Depending on what you’re trying to do, it can be quite successful.


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There are I2C PWM expansion boards available.

please read this and follow the guidance.

we need to know what hardware you are using. eg is it a UNO?

I see no snap

It depends what you want to do with them. and what hardware you are using.

@abtj_90, please stop creating threads in the Introductory Tutorials section.

I would even say - @abtj_90 , please stop creating more and more topics on elementary subjects, read the documentation!

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