Can we use l293d Motor driver shield with arduino mega 2560?

I had an arduino uno, I bought L293d Motor driver shield for it. But by some unknown reasons the arduino board got fried. I bought a new Arduino mega 2560. So can we use L293d with arduino mega 2560?

Why not?
Is it a board that you are supposed to put on top of UNO?

I would suggest using a driver with MOSFET outputs rather than the obsolete L293d board. Post a preliminary schematic and links to "Technical" information on each of the hardware items. Links to sales outlets are useless such as azon.

Yes, you could, but make sure that it is plugged in correctly to the right pins. Though if it fried your UNO, I wouldn't recommend putting it on your MEGA either.

Post a picture of your "shield".

The ancient, outdated L293D is suitable only for very small motors, and is extremely inefficient, wasting as much as half the battery power as heat.

You are much better off avoiding motor shields entirely, and buying a modern motor driver that can handle the start/stall current of the motor you choose. Pololu has the best selection.


No, the shield didn't fried it, when I was a newbie, i directly put a LED in the 5v pin and the gnd pin without a resistor :slight_smile:

I would not have thought that would fry your UNO. It should only have blown the LED.

The regulator could be destroyed.

It should be possible to use that shield with other arduino boards.
The shield will probably not fit on top.
So you will need to make the connections yourself.
And you might need to change the pin settings in your software (as pin numbers will be different on different boards (especially pins with PWM ability)).

True, depending on how the UNO was powered. If damaged, simply replace it. At least that is what I would have done.

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