Can wrong digital pin wiring caused hole sd-module failure?

Hello all! This is my first message in this forum. I'm found in forum really much of help in my datalogger project.

Some backround info my project. I make renewable energy measure system with multiple ds18b20 sensors. Temp sensor reading are saving sd card module. Then esp8266 send reading my choose database services.
I use brand RobotDyn nanov3, sd card module, Real Time Clock module. All so multiple dallas ds18b20 sensors, esp8266-01 module.
I make proto version of nanov3, sd card module, RTC and dallas sensors. I get correct temp readings which save card in txt.file and i was able read them in computer.

Second state I build my setup in bigger breadbord so I was able connect esp8266 in stack.

I'm not sure if I coused sd module breaking false connect between MO and CLK in nanov3 board? It's that even possible?
Just wrong wiring between digital nanov3 pins. Nothing which could attach sd modules power in 5v or 3.3v pins. Just digital pins.

My question is.

I'm not anymore able get my set up working.

Should I test other resistor size than 10k Ohm in sd card module CD -card detect pull-Up line? Now there is problem setup say in serial monitor "card not detect" even there are card inside module. This couse hole system failure.
Of course code inside nanov3 haven' not changed. That work earlier like charm..

I have check my wiring like 3 tree times so there not should been nothing wrong :slight_smile:

I spotted Voltage connection break in new d830 bigger breadboard. Check that with multimeter. So there aren't enough volt in sd-module >:(
Now all working like it should been. That little thing took too much time.