Can you use nrf24l01

CAn you use nrf24l01 module to connect to a mobile phone to make a mobile controlled rc car, I have the basic chassis ready (arduino uno, motor driver motors etc, the nrf24l01 is connected to the arduino i just need to find a way for the nrf24l01 to be connected to a mobile and send the signal to uno)


No, they both operate on frequencies that are far. far apart. They both operate on totally different modulation schemes. Your mobile phone is FCC certified, the nrf is NOT!
Try Bluetooth for the Arduino side.

okay so i have to use the hc-05 or something like that then right?

Yes!, But "have" is a bit of a limit. Perhaps something like WIFI could work?

consider a ESP32 (with onboard WiFi, Bluetooth classic and BLE) in the car
on the a smartphone

  1. a Bluetooth or BLE app could then transmit commands
  2. the esp32 runs a access point + web page which accepts commands

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