Canbed not sending code only when connected to program

anyone able to help me? im using canbed to activate electronic power steering by send rpm signal. got it to work so i finalized the installation but noticed it doesnt work by itself. it seems to only send the code rpm signal when i plug the canbed into the laptop and connect it to the program. this is my first time playing with the canbed so its probably something in the code. any help is appreciated thank you

/*  send a frame from can bus
    CAN Baudrate,
    #define CAN_5KBPS           1
    #define CAN_10KBPS          2
    #define CAN_20KBPS          3
    #define CAN_25KBPS          4 
    #define CAN_31K25BPS        5
    #define CAN_33KBPS          6
    #define CAN_40KBPS          7
    #define CAN_50KBPS          8
    #define CAN_80KBPS          9
    #define CAN_83K3BPS         10
    #define CAN_95KBPS          11
    #define CAN_100KBPS         12
    #define CAN_125KBPS         13
    #define CAN_200KBPS         14
    #define CAN_250KBPS         15
    #define CAN_500KBPS         16
    #define CAN_666KBPS         17
    #define CAN_1000KBPS        18
    CANBed V1:
    CANBed M0:
    CAN Bus Shield:
    OBD-II CAN Bus GPS Dev Kit:
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>

const int SPI_CS_PIN = 17;              // CANBed V1
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 3;            // CANBed M0
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;            // CAN Bus Shield

MCP_CAN CAN(SPI_CS_PIN);                                    // Set CS pin

void setup()
    // below code need for OBD-II GPS Dev Kit
    // pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
    // digitalWrite(A3, HIGH);
    while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_500KBPS))    // init can bus : baudrate = 500k
        Serial.println("CAN BUS FAIL!");
    Serial.println("CAN BUS OK!");

unsigned char stmp[8] = {192, 192, 192, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
void loop()
    CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x308, 0, 8, stmp);
    delay(100);                       // send data per 100ms


Comment out that line.
Without the laptop connected the program will wait forever.

so like this?

/*  send a frame from can bus
    CAN Baudrate,
    #define CAN_5KBPS           1
    #define CAN_10KBPS          2
    #define CAN_20KBPS          3
    #define CAN_25KBPS          4 
    #define CAN_31K25BPS        5
    #define CAN_33KBPS          6
    #define CAN_40KBPS          7
    #define CAN_50KBPS          8
    #define CAN_80KBPS          9
    #define CAN_83K3BPS         10
    #define CAN_95KBPS          11
    #define CAN_100KBPS         12
    #define CAN_125KBPS         13
    #define CAN_200KBPS         14
    #define CAN_250KBPS         15
    #define CAN_500KBPS         16
    #define CAN_666KBPS         17
    #define CAN_1000KBPS        18
    CANBed V1:
    CANBed M0:
    CAN Bus Shield:
    OBD-II CAN Bus GPS Dev Kit:
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>

const int SPI_CS_PIN = 17;              // CANBed V1
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 3;            // CANBed M0
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;            // CAN Bus Shield

MCP_CAN CAN(SPI_CS_PIN);                                    // Set CS pin

void setup()
    // below code need for OBD-II GPS Dev Kit
    // pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
    // digitalWrite(A3, HIGH);
    while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_500KBPS))    // init can bus : baudrate = 500k
        Serial.println("CAN BUS FAIL!");
    Serial.println("CAN BUS OK!");

unsigned char stmp[8] = {192, 192, 192, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
void loop()
    CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x308, 0, 8, stmp);
    delay(100);                       // send data per 100ms


No need to delete it, just put two forward slashes in front like so

// while(!Serial);

like this?
sorry very new at this lol i should take some classes

/*  send a frame from can bus
    CAN Baudrate,
    #define CAN_5KBPS           1
    #define CAN_10KBPS          2
    #define CAN_20KBPS          3
    #define CAN_25KBPS          4 
    #define CAN_31K25BPS        5
    #define CAN_33KBPS          6
    #define CAN_40KBPS          7
    #define CAN_50KBPS          8
    #define CAN_80KBPS          9
    #define CAN_83K3BPS         10
    #define CAN_95KBPS          11
    #define CAN_100KBPS         12
    #define CAN_125KBPS         13
    #define CAN_200KBPS         14
    #define CAN_250KBPS         15
    #define CAN_500KBPS         16
    #define CAN_666KBPS         17
    #define CAN_1000KBPS        18
    CANBed V1:
    CANBed M0:
    CAN Bus Shield:
    OBD-II CAN Bus GPS Dev Kit:
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>

const int SPI_CS_PIN = 17;              // CANBed V1
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 3;            // CANBed M0
// const int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;            // CAN Bus Shield

MCP_CAN CAN(SPI_CS_PIN);                                    // Set CS pin

void setup()
    // while(!Serial);
    // below code need for OBD-II GPS Dev Kit
    // pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
    // digitalWrite(A3, HIGH);
    while (CAN_OK != CAN.begin(CAN_500KBPS))    // init can bus : baudrate = 500k
        Serial.println("CAN BUS FAIL!");
    Serial.println("CAN BUS OK!");

unsigned char stmp[8] = {192, 192, 192, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
void loop()
    CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x308, 0, 8, stmp);
    delay(100);                       // send data per 100ms


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