I have an Arduino Uno with the Sparkfun Canbus shield. I'm currently trying the ECU demo with an ECUsim 2000, however engine speed does not show up in the Serial Monitor. I also have a Kvaser Leaf connected to the CAN, which is able to see both the request and reply message. I have removed the LCD and GPS features from the script.
This is the main part of the loop on the Arduino:
void loop(){
Canbus.ecu_req(ENGINE_RPM,buffer); //Request engine RPM
EngineRPM = buffer;
Serial.print("Engine RPM: "); //Uncomment for Serial debugging
This is from Canbus.cpp
char CanbusClass::ecu_req(unsigned char pid, char *buffer)
tCAN message;
float engine_data;
int timeout = 0;
char message_ok = 0;
// Prepair message
message.id = PID_REQUEST;
message.header.rtr = 0;
message.header.length = 8;
message.data[0] = 0x02;
message.data[1] = 0x01;
message.data[2] = pid;
message.data[3] = 0x00;
message.data[4] = 0x00;
message.data[5] = 0x00;
message.data[6] = 0x00;
message.data[7] = 0x00;
mcp2515_bit_modify(CANCTRL, (1<<REQOP2)|(1<<REQOP1)|(1<<REQOP0), 0);
if (mcp2515_send_message(&message)) {
if (mcp2515_check_message())
if (mcp2515_get_message(&message))
{ /* Details from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs */
case ENGINE_RPM: // ((A*256)+B)/4 [RPM]
engine_data = ((message.data[3]*256) + message.data[4])/4;
sprintf(buffer,"%d rpm ",(int) engine_data);
case ENGINE_COOLANT_TEMP: // A-40 [degree C]
engine_data = message.data[3] - 40;
sprintf(buffer,"%d degC",(int) engine_data);
case VEHICLE_SPEED: // A [km]
engine_data = message.data[3];
sprintf(buffer,"%d km ",(int) engine_data);
case MAF_SENSOR: // ((256*A)+B) / 100 [g/s]
engine_data = ((message.data[3]*256) + message.data[4])/100;
sprintf(buffer,"%d g/s",(int) engine_data);
case O2_VOLTAGE: // A * 0.005 (B-128) * 100/128 (if B==0xFF, sensor is not used in trim calc)
engine_data = message.data[3]*0.005;
sprintf(buffer,"%d V",(int) engine_data);
case THROTTLE: // Throttle Position
engine_data = (message.data[3]*100)/255;
sprintf(buffer,"%d %% ",(int) engine_data);
//return buffer;
The Serial monitor shows that it is able to initialise the CAN shield, however only "Engine RPM: " is printed and not the actual RPM.
Monitoring what is happening on the CAN using Kvaser, the following messages are seen:
0 2015 8 2 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 20069.106680 R (Eng RPM request message)
0 2024 8 4 65 12 0 0 0 0 0 20069.107790 R (Eng RPM reply message)
0 2025 8 4 65 12 0 0 0 0 0 20069.108560 R
But the Arduino doesn't seem to be able to pick it up into the buffer.
I've got some experience with Arduino but still learning, any help will be much appreciated.