Cannot executive HTTP post method when called on key press on membrane keypad

I think you need to try connecting your keypad to pins other than the SPI pins, just in case.

I didn't get it? could you please explain a bit more

How many ways can a pin be used AT ONE TIME?

If a pin is being used for SPI, which is how the Arduino communicates with the Ethernet shield and with SD reader/writers, can it be used for the keypad AT THE SAME TIME?

No, it can't.

Whether the Arduino uses SPI to communicate with the WiFi shield, or not, is an unknown.

The fact that adding the keypad, and using one of the SPI pins. causes the code to no longer be able to connect, suggests that, as a test at least, you get the keypad off of the SPI pins.

That might NOT be THE answer, but it is an easy thing to test.

Now, you are probably asking yourself "which pins is he talking about"? And, that's fine. Ask away. Meanwhile, all the special purpose pins - SPI, I2C, PWM, etc. - are documented on the Product page(s) off the main Arduino site.

Wow. I had connected pin 52 and I connected it to 28 It all works perfectly. Thank you very very much. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Wow. I had connected pin 52 and I connected it to 28 It all works perfectly. Thank you very very much. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

And, you've learned what other pins to avoid, right? That is not useless information.

Yeah there were 4 pins 50-53

Yeah there were 4 pins 50-53

Those are the SPI pins that can not be used if you are also using SPI.

There are also the I2C pins that you may need to avoid, as well as the Serial1, Serial2, and Serial3 pins, if you use any of those instances.

yeah got it thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile: